Cam Model Mentor Blog



Be the best you on cam

Want to know how to be the best you on cam? I’m here to help you make that happen!

Cam modelling is one of those professions where it’s success is dependent on the mindset of the individual.

My job as Cam Model Mentor often involves the soul searching of others to help them identify what’s up.

I’m always happy to share my advice and empathy. The adult entertainment industry is a difficult industry to work in and I’m on your side all the way!

As a like-minded female here I know first hand there are always barriers to overcome physically, emotionally and psychologically when you work on cam.

Ticking along on all those elements week after week requires continual self-management.

Many models find their mood elevator is up and down, or they feel confident one day and no so the next. Other models are fire for a while then things will suddenly fizzle and they lose their mojo.

Many factors affect the mood on cam. There are always things going on in the personal life that can affect how positive the mindset is for actually getting online and putting the time in.

All of these things are completely normal and you’re not alone. I am not shy to tell you I have had many ups and downs in all my years of camming.

Even times I’ve had to take a few weeks or months out to reset. So never feel bad for dropping away and focussing on YOU.

If you’re feeling lost, demotivated, burnt out or lacking desire and want to reinstate your mojo; follow these tips to help get back on track.

You will choose your day to be the best you on cam! And I will help you make it happen!

Be the best you on cam

  • Decide which day you will start working on yourself to be the best you on cam. If you choose the day allows you complete contro of your schedule, it’s all on your terms.
  • Tell yourself you will wake up that day and make it day the best day of your life. Affirm that out loud, write it down, mark it in the diary.
  • Schedule in an early night the night before so you can sleep sufficiently and feel rested.
  • Wake up on the day and smile, do some stretches in bed, be mindful. Tell yourself you feel great! Today is going to be your best ever day!
  • Have a nice breakfast, ideally something healthy. Fruit, eggs, yoghurt, a non-sugared cereal, whatever you enjoy. Get some vitamin-C into your body as this ie very important. I recommend fresh fruit juice, berries or tomatoes.
  • Dress dependent on the climate to go outside and move around in the fresh air. Walk the dog if you have one, drop of the kids at their daycare/school if you have them, and go for a walk afterwards.

Top Tip: Even just 30 minutes of light exercise outdoors in the morning is so beneficial. It promotes a positive mindset and a general feeling of wellbeing.

Alternatively, you may like to go to the gym or do another form or workout that makes you feel fab.

  • Keep affirming to yourself that today is set to be your best ever day, and that you feel positive. Continually reaffirming this is good programming for the mindset to keep you on track.
  • Think through some ideas of what you would enjoy doing on cam. Have a look through your outfits and toys, feel excited about all your potential. You’re going to kill it on cam today!

I’ll share some inspiration for shows at the bottom of this article, if you need any.

  • Keep working on your positive vibe. Talk kindly to yourself and remind yourself that you’re beautiful and awesome. Be excited about working on cam! There will be many great members looking forward to seeing you!
  • Pick out an outfit that resonates with your vibe, and decide on the kind of show/s you’d like to present. Make firm decisions as this is assertive and reassuring.
  • Go through all the technical setup things and make sure your vibrator toys are popped on to charge. This article will help you work through all the things you need to check before going on cam, so you’ll feel well prepared. (Right click on the link and open it in a new window, so you can read it in a moment).
  • Put on some uplifting music and get ready! Remind yourself you’re an absolute stunner and you’re about to smash it on cam!

Today is the best day of your life and your badass vibe is manifesting abundance! You will have a tonne of fun and gain a heap of new fans with your sparkling positive attitude!

  • Getting ready takes as long as it takes so please don’t feel under pressure. These things are best done in an environment where you feel relaxed and in harmony with everything surrounding you.
  • Now you’re in the best possible mindset to be the best you on cam! Happy, energised, with good energy all around you. You know you’re about to have the most incredible session on cam. What a buzz!
  • Need extra time to do your nails, or pop a quick call to a friend? No worries! Do what you need to do. You need to feel 100% prepared and happy that all the little jobs are out of the way. This helps declutter the mind.
  • Look in the mirror and smile at your reflection. What a beauty! You look your absolute best, and that is going to come across online. Your fans will appreciate the effort you’ve gone to and you’ll get a tonne of complements. Compliments boost confidence and make you even happier on cam!
  • Log into the site and set up your shows, tip features and anything else you would like to promote. Connect any interactive toys and put any props and things like dildos within reach.
  • Now it’s time to take the stage and say hi to your crowd! They’re delighted to see you and keen to help you be the best you on cam. Be excited to see them too.

Greet your audience with your lovely smile, tell them you’ve missed them. Let them know how excited you are about the shows you’ve planned and tell them what they have to look forward to.

Top Tip: Give a little tutorial and point out where guys can find things like tip menus. This helps new members and provides a call to action to get the ball rolling. Do this every so often when you’re online. Once per hour is sufficient.

  • I’m so proud of you! You worked through my tried and tested methods to be the best you on cam and have come online firing!

So now just focus on having fun and the money will come!

To apply to work with LVE Models, go here.

To learn how the basics of how to be a cam model, have a read of this article.

For some ideas for shows, have a read here.

Be inspired by our models! Here are their pearls of wisdom they want to share with you.


Monetize your Snapchat

Cam models, get creative with these smart ways to monetize your Snapchat and increase revenue from fans.

Do you use Snapchat? If not, here’s why you should get on it…

  • Snapchat is a social media networking app, available for desktop and mobile.
  • Free to download and packed full of fun features.
  • Flexible options including text messaging, photo and video “snap” messaging, video calling and phone calling.
  • Snapchat is discrete. Messages between users are private and delivered in real time.
  • Privacy features: You can see if the other person screenshots or saves. This helps you to monitor their behaviour.
  • Chat history auto-deletes after 24 hours. This removes all chat which has not been saved.
  • Snapchat keeps your phone number and personal information private.
  • You can make your Snapchat undiscoverable to those on your personal contact list.

  1. Create a username which supports your cam/creator name (not your real name). It takes around 5 minutes, via or Snapchat on the App store.
  2. Have a play around with making photo and video snaps, and exploring the fun filters so you know what to do once you get your first Snapchatters on board.
  3. Sell your Snapchat for a reasonable subscription cost. Promote this on your cam site (if permitted), along with your content pages and social media.
  4. Once you have some followers, make photo or video snaps. They view these on their snap feeds to stay connected with you.
  5. Post daily, if you can. You can show off your look, personality and update fans what you’re up to in chat clips.
  6. Give them hot teases to keep them interested, and bring them to you for interaction – which you then monetize.
  7. Provide calls to action. Custom content deals, instructions to visit you on cam, information on your availability to “play” on Snapchat. Let fans know what their options are and how to request/book.
  8. Post the links they’ll use to pay, or visit you online.

One of the amazing things about Snapchat is you can offer a variety of subscription options.

Make it clear what you include with the subscription. You have messenger chatting and sext (sex texting), photo/video Snap swaps, GFE packages (Girl Friend Experience), video calls, phone calls and custom content.

Alternatively, you can offer your Snapchat subscription-free.

You would monetize it by promoting offers for any of the above benefits, to your captive audience.

Suggested subscription pricing:

  • One week £5 (or equivalent in tokens)
  • One month £15
  • One year £65
  • Lifetime £100

Monetize your Snapchat with one to one video calls. These are private and done over Wifi or 4G data.

Offer a time package such as 15 minutes or 30 minutes, with a one-off payment.

Let your Snapchatters know what they can do with you on a video call.

Ideas include masturbation, toy play, blowjob, femdom, roleplay, fetish, and shower or bath shows.

How about enjoy deep and meaningful conversations with your favourite supportive regulars?

Once show is agreed, have them tip prior to starting. This way you are assured of the money and they don’t benefit from your time for free.

Snapchat video calls are usually cam to cam, which means you both can see each other.

If your Snapchatter disables their video so you can only hear but not see them, this is because they wish to guard their privacy.

This should not bother you, however discuss preferences first, so there are no misunderstandings.

For video calls to be successful, everyone needs to be comfortable.

Suggested video call pricing:

  • 15 minutes £20 (or equivalent in tokens)
  • 30 minutes £50
  • 60 minutes £75
  • One week GFE including messaging with a daily call £400-£500

Monetize your Snapchat with audio (phone) calls. These work really well. Offer packages for time.

Shout out your phone call offers on your snap feed. Do this as a photo snap with text over the top (don’t forget to include how to pay).

Alternatively, do a video snap talking to your followers, hyping it up with a call to action!

As with video calls, there is so much scope for creativity. I have personally used this feature a lot through my years of camming. It is a favourite!

Suggested phone call pricing:

  • 10 mins call £15
  • 20 mins call £25
  • 30 mins call £40
  • 60 mins call £65

Monetize your Snapchat with sext packages, these are so fun!

You can sext via the messenger-style text chat feature or by sending video snaps, pic snaps or voice notes.

Offer sext on a daily, weekly or monthly rate. Also offer short time period sext sessions such as 15, 30 or 60 minutes.

Make it clear how much time they get, along with frequency and method of messaging.

Suggested Snapchat sexting pricing:

  • Daily sext £45
  • Weekly sext £250
  • Monthly sext £600
  • 15 mins sext £15
  • 30 mins sext £35
  • 60 mins sext £50

  • Create a banner or flyer using a photo editing app.
  • Choose your best photo to add your offers in text over the top. Include your subscription deal, video call, phone sex and sext options.
  • Post on your social media and add your pay methods.
  • Instruct fans how and where to tip for the package they would like.
  • Let them know to provide their Snapchat username with their payment.
  • Add custom tip amounts for your Snapchat packages to your cam site (usually you can do this in a tipping menu or bio).
  • Once fans monetize your Snapchat, be responsive and interact with them right away.
  • Make sure you honour what they purchase and deliver amazing service – if you want them to monetize regularly.

Here are my guidelines to monetize Snapchat on a continual and controlled basis:

  1. Respond to fans in a positive manner, but don’t be a pushover!
  2. Be aware of the individuals who regularly reward your time. Show these guys you appreciate them with extra attentiveness.
  3. Be aware of those who do not respect your time, once on your Snapchat. You can always remove them.
  4. Remind monetized fans to tip again for future engagements. Do this by posting your pricing at least twice per week.
  5. Run flash sales, for example pairing up options at a reduced rate (or offer a freebie). Consider deals like custom video + free 20 min phone call package; 15 min video call + 30 mins sexting; free 15 min sexting with every subscription renewal. Deals often trigger action from fans.
  6. If any fan creeps regularly into your DMs without monetizing your time, you can delete them.

Now you are armed with all the basics you’ll need to monetize your Snapchat, go ahead and make that dough!

Want some show ideas for cam, or Snapchat? Read here!

Want to know how you can gain 100k followers in 6 months? Read Honey Martinez’ interview here!

Would you like to make more money on cam with interactive toys? Read here!

Apply to work with LVE Models here.


Gain 100k followers in 6 months

Top cam model and content creator Honey Martinez explains how to gain 100k followers in 6 months.

Being successful is all about building your following and posting all the time.

Exotic performer and creator Honey, who goes by the names of Honey Martinezzz and Honeythemilf, began camming and content creating in 2016.

Honey, from Vancouver Canada, is renowned for her eye-popping curves and adult natured content.

Featuring on many well-known platforms she tempts her fans with videos, live chat and subscription-based offerings.

As an interactive model Honey performs solo and group shows.

She is responsive to the demands of fans for boy-girl and girl-girl videos. These fly on her promotional campaigns which include direct messaging across multiple platforms as well as social media.

Despite previously having had her socials hacked, scammed and wiped out; the follower-hungry Canadian came back with a vengeance.

With her smart self-promotion strategy, the model gained a staggering 100k followers in 6 months.

So Honey, tell us exactly how you did it?

X – formally Twitter, is one of the leading platforms for adult creators. There are no restrictions on nature of content and it is easy for sharing and tagging for maximum exposure.

Honey understands what does well on social media and pays attention to detail. By ensuring she puts out nothing but high quality, high definition photos and clips on X, this ensures maximum ‘like’ and retweet potential by fans and promotors.

Tagging large promo accounts helps achieve vast reach on the platform, because of the “RT for RT” etiquette on X.

Promo accounts and creators retweet posts of other creators and the end result is one big cross promotional campaign

All this additional exposure entices more fans to Honey’s profile, and guess what? They all click the follow button!

Promo accounts specific to adult creators have tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of followers. For anybody trying to build a presence on social media in that specific industry, these are useful guys to have on board.

As with anything you wish to be successful in, to stay on the grind is to keep momentum on track.

Honey tells me it is not always easy to consistent, for example during times of sickness or vacation.

The biggest challenge is taking time out from social media.

The penalty is loss of motivation and the necessity of extra time investing in building back up.

Honey Martinez

The Canadian star explains that it is worth it when you discover the valuable fans amongst the masses who just follow to creep on the free content.

There may be potential to monetize genuine fans, but there is a dark side to gaining a massive social media following.

The continual threat of fraudsters out to make a quick buck is a problem that will never go away.

As well as the possibility of financial loss, the integrity and reputation of a well-established model or influencer is at stake.

In 2023, Honey was victim of a textbook catfish scam. She was duped by a follower who claimed to have experience in helping creators build their profiles.

They contacted her through X to offer help to increase her revenue potential. All the while, stealing her content and pocketing profits under a fake profile.

What exactly happened in this case is this: content and video calls were promoted on the fake Honey Martinez profile with payment links to the scammer.

They even hacked into Honey’s legitimate profile, changing her password which made it impossible for her to access it to warn fans about what was going on.

Most models and creators would love to gain 100k in 6 months, just like Honey Martinezzz. We know that engaging fans on socials can boost revenue.

We also know mass exposure attracts the of shady behaviour of catfishers and other scammers.

So if you want to start you own campaign to gain 100k followers in 6 months… protect yourself:

  • Watermark all content with your logo, username and/or the name of the site which hosts the content. This way, if it gets stolen, you can prove where it originated from for any copyright claims.
  • Do not respond to randoms who claim they will help you build your following or monetize content. In every case these approaches are scams.
  • It is best not to follow back everyone who follows, as this enables them easy access to message and be a nuisance.
  • Do not open any links that followers attempt to send you via tweet or DM.
  • Consider making social media private, and request to follow. While it is less easy to gain mass following this way, it does tighten privacy and security.
  • Consider working with a content protection agency to remove any stolen content and impersonation accounts. We recommend Cam Model Protection.

With thanks to Honey Martinez – X @HoneytheMILF – IG @honeythemilf_ Photo credit: IG @thisiseames

Want to know which toys will make you big bucks on cam? Go here.

How to create professional self-styled content at home? Read here.

Keen to work with LVE Models? Apply here.


Get subscribers to your fans page

Are you a creator stuggling to get subscribers to your fans page? It’s time to join the platform that brings the fans to you!

Do you spend hours every week making content, uploading to your page and promoting on social media? If yes, read on…

From experience, I know creating content and building a fans page can take a lot of time out of your day.

Once you have it all made, it looks amazing!

You’re proud of it and want to show it off. People may look, but do they commit? You need to get subscribers.

Sure, you can try shouting about it on Instagram, X, TikTok and other social media channels.

That’s great!… If you have 1M followers on those platforms.

Even at that level, it is a numbers game. Followers can be flaky, even invisible.

The vast majority of social media followers are not willing or able to pay to see content. Many are not even genuine accounts.


Out of those social followers who are genuine and understand what its all about, some will join for a snoop.

They’ll sub’ one time for a month to see what’s on offer, then don’t bother to renew.

Winning fans’ pledges for monthly subs is the arduous part of building a successful fans page.

Without getting monthly commitment, it barely seems worth the hassle. You end up feeling undervalued for your time and effort.

Many models attempt to get subscribers to their fans page by offering it subscription free. They will put a certain amount as free to view and the “good” stuff behind paywalls.

That is a smart strategy, providing fans are good quality and have the funds (or the desire) to pay to unlock the good stuff. And when they join for free, then don’t spend, this only advances the headache.

If this scenario sounds tediously familiar, you are in the same boat as the vast majority who have the same dream as you.

That dream is, to make thousands of pounds selling content on a subcription-based fans page.


How creator sites work

If you’re one who’s already dived in thinking it’s easy making money from a fans page, I’m sorry you have learnt the hard way.

You will have been told to promote, promote, promote on social media. This is because generally, creator sites have no traffic of their own, therefore are unable to send subscribers to your fans page.

Creator sites provide the framework on which creators host their fan pages. They’re packed with all sorts of neat features which creators can use as tools for selling content.

How they make their money, is they drive creators to bring them the fans. They ean their commission for the privilege of creators bringing the business to them.

These sites ultimately rely on influencers and celebrities to fund a vast percentage of fans payments to their site. Big name creators advertise their fans pages which raises greater awareness of the brand.

As a result the creator sites gain member signups along with more creators, who then bring them more member signups and attract more creators. It is a very clever business model.

Unfortunately, those members signups brought in by influencer creators do not benefit the unknown creator who starts at the bottom.

Newbies have have to build their presence by finding their own fans.

It can take years to get to “influencer” level and still, most will never make it. Usually this involves a lucky break.

The bottom line is… if you are not an influencer or celebrity, getting interest for your fans page is a hard hustle. Many individuals soon realise this, and give up.

Now I can see you shrugging your shoulders with a “been there, done it, bought the T-shirt” type sigh.

So it gives me great please to say… “Wait! There is a way!”

You can build a successful fans page and you can find fans willing to pay.

Forget about wasting more time making those cliched “link in bio” posts (yawn) on social media, (the ones very few bother to click are they’re too busy scrolling).

How to get subscribers to your fans page

Join the platfrom that brings the fans to you!

Being a successful creator is not just about creating high quality content. It is about being a great salesperson too.

We know that face-to-face marketing works, as people buy from people.


Do these things:

  1. Join the right platforn (I’ll help you with this at the end of this article).
  2. Position yourself in a live chat scenario and meet your subscribers face to face, online. This way, you directly engage them.
  3. Chat, let them get to know the face behind the photos. Be personable and charm them.
  4. Unleash your powers of persuasion by upselling your fans page – simply, talk about what’s on offer there.
  5. Offer them a joining gift or incentive such as an introductory discount. Alternatively, offer a free personalised photoset or short welcome tease video.
  6. Offer their incentive on-the-spot (like a flash sale) if they instantly subscribe.
  7. Once they’re in your page, do your great customer service. Message them on the day they join to connect in chat and arrange their welcome gift.

Why this works

When you meet your potential subscribers face to face on a chat-based platform, the numbers game has greater odds.

This is because the fans you chat with are registered network members, with billing in place.

These are not the same social media ghosts who lurk on Instagram and never like or comment, let alone click that link in the bio.

These network members already spend money. They engage in live chat, tip models and do private shows (which you too can benefit from). They buy media content and customs.

All you need to do once you’ve got their attention is point out the “click to buy” button in your chat room.

They do not need a seperate signup.

Just one click and they are on your fans page.

Another click and they’ve subscribed.

Piece of cake!

Ongoing commitment

Once you have your fans, you need to work smart to keep them on board. This is very important, otherwise they may get complacent.


Do these things:

  1. Add a piece of high quality, high definition content daily, or as a minimum five days per week. This can be an HD video, a photoset (make sure the lighting is great), some POV snaps (make sure these are clear definition), or an audio message, for example.
  2. Message with your subscribed fans often to keep them engaged and returning to your page every day, hungry to see more of you.
  3. Offer them custom content packages on photosets, videos and audio content. This way you will build a strong and personal relationship with your fans.
  4. If they drop away, offer them a rejoining incentive with a % discount to win back their business.

Also, I want to tell you that on this platform, you get 80% payout of everything your fans spend on the content you create for your fans page!


Finally you have a platform that brings the fans to you!

Register your interest here for a call back and we will help you set this up.

Want to know how to create home-styled content like a pro? Read my article here.


Make money with cam model toys

Make money with cam model toys! Here are our top 5 recommendations of lucrative toys to consider for working online.

Every cam model needs her professional ‘tools of the trade.’

In this wonderful age of tech innovation we are fortunate to have toys which are interactive with cam sites, which serve as next-level tipping tools.

How it works, is, members tip and toys activate. In other words, models enjoy having their vibrations controlled by their paying fans.

In return, fans love watching their favourite models “get off” whilst monetizing their pleasure… so its a win-win!

The majorty of cam sites have responded to this innovation with in-built interfaces to enable their performers to make money with cam model toys.

The most popular and widely used of these such toys, is the Lovense brand.

Lovense toys provide multiple options for both female and male interactive enjoyment.

They work over Bluetooth technology and are integratable via web browser or the smartphone apps Lovense Remote and Lovense Connect.

At LVE Models, we have 100% of our models using Lovense toys. They all find them essential tools for earning the big bucks.

Models who start without such toys soon realise they need one. Once they have purchased and integrated their first Lovense toy into their shows, they make more money instantly!

#1. Lush3

The most popular of the Lovense toys, and an absolute must-have, the Lush3 is a vibrating egg. It is quiet, not too large and most models find it comfortable to wear internally.

It is a breeze to use once you slip it in. The Lush3 enables the hands to be free to do other things whilst fans control the vibrations.

We rate the Lush3 a 5 star toy. All of our models have these and collectively they have made hundreds of thousands of dollars with them! *****

Purchase the Lush3 here

#2. Domi2

We also love the Domi wand. It is extremely powerful and provides mind-blowing results!

It is quiet versus most other wands.

You need to hold it in your hand, however, your fans can take care of the vibrations whilst you make money having fun.

The Domi can be used jointly with other Lovense toys such as the Lush3. This is perfect for multi-toy shows which encourage even greater interaction and tipping.

We rate the Domi2 a 5 star toy. Many of our models say this is their favourite of the Lovense toys due to the fact it’s so powerful provides amazing results. Fans seem to love these too *****

Purchase the Domi2 here.

#3. Sex Machine

Live it up like a virtual sex machine with this contraption that simulates the real life action, better than any other!

The Lovense Sex Machine thrusts at numerous speeds for the perfect tip-based missionary or doggy-style experience.

This toy may be the most pricey of the collection. However, those who are keen to go “all out” in their shows find fans go tip crazy with these.

Return on investment tends to be rapid and the profits are insane.

Given that these are one of the most lucrative sex-simulating devices currently on the market, popular with famous porn stars, we rate the Lovense Sex Machine 5 stars *****

Dare to go “all out” and get one? Damn, girl!

Purchase the Sex Machine here.

#4. Hush2

Dare we say it… bum fun? The Hush is the vibrating butt plug. Not everyone is into that, but if you are, it’s a very smart purchase.

The Hush2 is super quiet and comes in four sizes, XS, S, M and L. You can choose your size dependent on your comfort levels.

Some of our models use the Hush2 and it is always a hit with their fans. Some find their Hush the most lucrative of all the Lovense toys they own.

For this reason and the fact it’s probably the quiestest of the bunch, we rate the Hush2 5 stars *****

Purchase the Hush2 here.

#5. Gravity

Gravity is a fun toy which vibrates and thrusts. A hot favourite, it has a suction pad underneath which can be fixed to a hard, flat surface for riding or doggy-style fun.

Members feel like they are closer to penetrating their favourite models by controlling their Gravity toy.

The Gravity is a superb thrusting alternative to the Sex Machine. It is more afforable, much smaller and easier to pack up and hide away if you have others living in your home.

We rate Gravity 4 stars. It’s a little on the noisy side, but if you’re not bothered about that, the functionality is top notch ****

Purchase the Gravity here.

As well as our top 5 favourites, there are a host of other toys including two-toy deals if you’d like to visit our Lovense store.

We are always happy to provide advise on toys. Toys should be chosen dependent on the comfort levels of the individual. So feel free to hit us up for specific guidance there!

Already have a Lovense toy and you can’t get it working? Visit our troubleshooter blog here!

Need help on how to be a cam model? Go here.

Haven’t yet signed up and want to apply to join us? Info and casting form is here.


Things to check before going live

Every new cam model needs a list of things to check before going live. Follow my guide and you’ll be ready to kill it on cam!

  • Completed your profile setup? – Add your bio, stats, settings, rates, tip features, profile images and payout info. Start only when all of this is done and approved!
  • Room tidy? – Be well-organised and clutter-free. A nice looking room will make you appear professional and it is pleasing on the eyes to the viewers.
  • Set up for best framing? – Great camera view is important. You want to show off your most flattering angles. Set up your work station and angle the webcam so you can look directly into it. This enables you to connect your audience with eye contact and encourages interaction from them.
  • Clear of any distractions? Make sure any pets in the house are fed and watered. Deal with anything else that might otherwise disturb you if not taken care of. Eliminate any annoying background noise.
  • Music playlists ready? – You’ll need music to help create an atmosphere. Use a speaker if you have one, but do not have the music too loud. Your viewers will want to listen to your voice moreso than your music.
  • Toys out and placed in reach? – Get everything you’ll need for cam shows out and ready. Ensure toys are sanitised and powered up. Vibrating toys need enough charge for the session. Having props within reach will avoid you having to scrabble looking for things.
  • Heels and stockings in reach? – Stiletto shoes, boots or stockings are common requests, have these to hand.
  • Snacks and a drink handy? – Keep a drink and snack beside you. This reduces the inconvenience of having to disrupt stream to pop to the kitchen.
  • Did you do enough reading and research? – You need to brief yourself on how to be a cam model to make a solid start. Read the articles on this blog and be informed. I am here to help!

  • Set up lighting sufficiently? – Room must be well lit with even lighting.
  • Restarted laptop/desktop and run through updates/scans? – Do this to minimise risk of running slow and stream lag issues.
  • If running on ethernet, have you switched off wifi setting on laptop? – You can do this in the network and internet settings. Allow machine to run solely via ethernet cable and not have the wifi interfere with hardwired connection. This is for best continuity of stream.
  • Installed correct browser? – Some cam sites have specific browsers optimised for use with. Check which browser you need as other browsers may not be able to support all of the features of the site you’re working on.
  • Run speed test? – Ideally you’ll have done one prior to signing up and checked minimum upload speed requirements. If it falls short you need to communicate with your site’s tech team. You may also need to speak with your internet provider.
  • Shut down any other browsers, software or applications that might interfere? – When you’re camming, shut everything else unrelated on your laptop down including anything that runs scans in the background. This is so as not to cause unnecessary slowing down of the machine.
  • Selected right camera in broadcast settings? – This is how you present the best quality picture on cam. If the camera you’ve plugged in is not showing in the settings, plug it in again. Refresh your screen, log out and in again, then look again.

  • Right mindframe to work on cam? – You want to be rested, happy, positive, excited and keen to do this! If not, you will resent being online and won’t make money.
  • Feel physically well? – If under the weather with any health or wellbeing issue, wait until you recover. If you do not, you risk starting on a negative spiral and won’t give it your best energy.
  • Wearing something you feel comfortable and sexy in? – Try on different outfits. Go with the one that makes you feel most confident! If you have a favourite lingerie set or something new, this will help you start strong!
  • Done makeup? – Heavy makeup not essential. A little light work on the face to prevent shiny skin and accentuate your best features will make you look and feel confident online.
  • Taken care of personal grooming? – This includes styling your hair, doing your nails, shaving/waxing legs/armpits/ladybits. Lack of attention to these things leads to self-consciousness.
  • What are your camming goals for today? – Self-motivation check! Be sure to have clear in your mind your motives, goals, income target and visions of your success. It is your commitment and consistency to being on cam that will help you achieve all your heart desires!

To apply to work with LVE Models, click here.


Beat the New Year camming blues

Beat the New Year camming blues by upstyling your online presence. Start 2024 with a bang with these helpful ideas for profitable camming.

January can be a funny time in the adult entertainment industry. Following the rush through the December party season, cam sites universally can feel quite slow.

Folks reign in their spending whilst paying off their Christmas dues, paving way for the skint ol’ New Year blues.

When you’re on your grind and it feels harder to make money, I totally appreciate this gets frustrating.

During this time it is easy to lose sight of the reasons you choose to be a cam model.

It is also easy faith in the industry, but I promise you it still has the potential to be very fruitful in January.

So up-tempo your mindset and believe in yourself!

Follow my guidelines to beat the New Year camming blues and start the year strong!

New Year, New Me!

I hate to say it as it sounds so cliched… but January brings for the perfect opportunity to reinvent.

We already know members browsing through the pages and pages of chat rooms available are spoiled for choice.

If you’ve rocked with the same style for some time, mix it up. Grab some new outfits in the January sales, have a complete look change.

Change your hair colour or style, evolve your image. This keeps regulars intrigued and checking in.

No matter how loyal regulars say they are, they always notice new models (this is human nature). Keep them on your hook!

Switch up your look and style to offer them the variety they need.

You could, dare I say it, even opt for a complete rebrand with a change of name, look, style and vibe.

Ever fancied being a Mistress, a Princess, a Gamer Chick, a Cosplay Queen or Roleplay specialist? Well now’s the perfect time to learn new skills and try new things!

Reinventing is always refreshing. The quickest way to fall out of love with webcamming is to feel like its got stale, so don’t let it be so.

Upstyle your room

Beat the New Year camming blues by upstyling your chat room.

This does not need to be a full-on interior design project. Some simple changes to make the room look more easy on the eyes will work wonders.

Look at getting some new soft furnishings, for example new coloured cushions or a throw for your bed/chair.

Some improved lighting such as additional ringlighting would make your room bright and appealing. Try some fairy lights, lava lamp or neon strip light because this adds a fun touch.

You could also have a complete change of arrangement. Cam in a different room or move your position in your existing room to offer a different camera view. Just make sure the view is nicely decorated and clutter-free.

Upgrade your shows

With the competition for the tippers being so immense, this is not the time to get stuck in a rut of “same old, same old” with your shows.

Members get bored of repetition, and models get bored of doing the same thing over and over.

To stand out amidst the masses of other models online, read my article here.

For ideas of different shows you can do, read my artcile here.

The beautiful thing about being cam model is the flexibility you have. There are unlimited themes you can offer and unlimited ways to perform to get the tips rolling.

Annabelle’s mega tip: Be your own creative director and promo girl!

Choose a day and time to plan a special themed show.

Advertise this in your chat room and on your cam model social media.

This gives you something fun to plan and it gives your followers something to get revved up for.

I recommend you do this weekly throughout January. This creates a positive new habit and sets a new higher standard.

Even better, do it weekly indefinitely. Benefit from the abundance this creative energy brings!

The end gain is of this exercise is to you keep your fans returning and attract new ones.

As a by product you evolve as a cam model and continue to find your work fulfilling.

Time to switch

If despite trying different things your existing cam site is not working out, let January open the door to other options. There are many platforms out there with different features you can try out.

Check out my article here when researching where to start looking for alternatives.

If you’d like to work with an agency or studio, this can benefit you immensely in terms of guidance, support and motivation. Always check out charging structures versus what agencies offer.

Bear in mind many agencies will charge you commission on top of the network commission. Look for credible model testimonials you can verify to active working models.

Check out these tips by some of our LVE Models!

Want to know why it is so important to build your following to achieve success as a cam model? Read here.


How to set your boundaries

Learn how to set your boundaries to lay down ground rules and command the respect of chat room visitors.

Who is the boss of your chat room? It is YOU! Not those who enter!

A common problem for cam models, especially newbies, is site members trying to take advantage and tell them what to do.

Members can be cheeky, bossy and persistent at times.

When a model is told to do things for no financial reward, including demands for things she is not comfortable with, this is tedious.

Inexperienced models are vulnerable to this nature of exploitation, so gaining awareness of what boundaries are and how to set them is key.

First thing’s first, what are your boundaries? Do you know how to define them? Consider these questions:

  • How do you want to appear to viewers? I advise, keep it classy for the most respectful approaches!
  • What are you prepared to do and show on cam? Think about your comfort levels in live mode versus private mode.
  • Which things are you not willing do on cam? Consider types of actions and shows involving nudity and sexual acts.
  • What level of behaviour do you expect from your viewers? Consider if you are happy to have both interactive and non interactive viewers present, and determine who you will permit to chat/stay in your room.
  • How you would like them to address and communicate with you? For example should they address you by name, by a title or by specific terms. Understand that politeness and common decency is what you deserve.
  • Would there be any rules you would set (your own code of conduct) on top of the site rules? This could relate to financial things like minimums or pretips. It could also relate to things like interaction and behaviour.

It is really important to be clear on your answers. Answer them how you feel most comfortable. Write them down for your reference. This forms the basis of how to set your boundaries and ultimately, how to manage your chat room.

All cam sites have a bio section on the model profiles, where models can write information about themselves. Depending on the site, some also have a chat room rules or chat room notice section.

Wherever there is a free format box to input your own text, is a good place to make your own boundaries and rules clear.

Type your own rules out in short bullet points. Bullet points are easy for people to read and understand. Keep it polite and friendly.

Example of chat room rules:

Work on your own chat room rules using this as a guideline… Then go online and put your rules into action!

When members come into your room, you will find that some are proactive and read the profile information. Many others are not and will not. You can never tell who will and who won’t, so start voicing it!

It is perfectly fine to ask members to read and observe your rules when they enter. It might feel a little awkward to start with! However the more you do this, the more natural it feels.

Doing this is a polite ice-breaker and commands respect as soon as members meet you. It lets people know you have expectations and boundaries… and standards!

Be strong! Stick to your rules and never lose sight of your boundaries.

If these are questioned by any person, inform them that webcamming is your job. You are there to work and operate as a professional.

If they do not wish to comply, they can leave (or you can kick them out)!

You’ll soon be bossing your chat room before you know it! You got this!

Now you know how to set your boundaries, would you like some help with show ideas?

To apply to join us, head over to our website LVE Models


Wisdom of the LVE cam models

Read on to tap into the wisdom of the LVE cam models. Helpful advice and guidance here for models finding their way in the adult webcam industry.

CAM MODEL MENTOR is owned by LVE Models, an established cam model studio based in the UK. 

We work with some of the world’s elite online performers from the UK, USA, Canada and Europe. 

Proud to have built our reputation on the satisfaction and success of our models, we assist budding and experienced cam stars to thrive in the industry. 

LVE Models provide all the tools and guidance models need to become established. Many go on to make sums of money they never imagined possible!

Word of mouth recommendation is how we grow our business. 
Quite simply, camgirls come to us because they hear of the great things our models achieve and they want to be successful, too.

We have built our studio culture around empowerment. 
Our models are like-minded females who strive to make it big as individuals. 

LVE Models empower each other to rise up and achieve, as a collective. In an industry where competition can be brutal, this is a beautiful thing!

Some of our models have come forward to share their insights and experience with you.

Here is a bunch of wisdom of the LVE cam models!

Tristan Blair

Andrea Nicole

Nova Ramone

Shop the Black Friday Sale!

Jillian Mae

Honey Martinezzz

Hanna Orio


Gigi Tyler

Juicy Lucie

Kitty Star

Not with us yet? Apply to work with LVE Models by completing our online casting form here.


Your webcam success hinges on…

Your webcam success hinges on some essential character traits. Here I explain what these are and why they matter.

As an established presence in the industry, LVE Models are never short of aspiring models approaching in the quest for cam model success.

Where we differ from most agencies who play a numbers game, is we do not chase commission at the cost of the individual.

We do not sign just anyone, without considering whether they are suited to the work or not.

LVE Models look for a certain type of model and we are stringent with our interview process.

We do this because our experience tells us that only a certain type of model will be successful. And, it is not all about how they look in application photos.

Becoming a profitable cam model is 80% character and mental capacity to do the work. Only 20% is how the individual looks.

Your webcam success hinges on the right outlook and approach. We look for the following character traits in all applicants:

First and foremost, a great attitude is required. This includes a likeable nature and a positive view on cam modelling as a whole.

A bad attitude results in a poor approach to the work. It also has a repelling effect on the guys who are most likely to spend the money.

In every case we refuse to take on candidates who do not possess a positive, personable attitude when we interview them.

The ability to self-discipline is essential. This means to get online and work the required hours in order to make money and build the following.

Lack of self-discipline and flakiness never results in success.

Success is all about consistency, which comes only from the disciplined individuals.

We ask the following questions and make clear:

The candidates who understand the above and show that they possess this mindset and potential, are candidates we will invest time in.

How capable are you to self-motivate? Self-motivation links back to the discipline element.

Remind yourself continually of your motives to work, i.e. why you want to be successful on cam, because this is the driving force.

Read my article Secrets to self-motivation to learn about motives and goal setting.

Lack of self-motivation often comes and goes in cam models, due to the industry peaks and troughs.

The ability to stay motivated through thick and thin is paramount in order to be successful on cam.

We help models with motivation as part of our support group, however the willingness needs to be there to start with.

Resilience goes hand in hand with motivation and discipline. This is the power to push through, no matter what!

They stay strong, focussed on their game through difficult times.

They accept that dealing with unpleasant users or working through personal issues just is part and parcel of the job.

The prime candidate for cam model success will therefore:

Have AWESOME ATTITUDE * Be highly MOTIVATED * Be DISCIPLINED to work to a schedule * Possess the ability to stay strong and RESILIENT through the inevitable ups and downs.

Cam Model Mentoring

We here at LVE Models understand that these essential character traits will come easier in some indiviuals than others.

These traits are present in many individuals; they just need to be coached and encouraged. Others possess them naturally in abundance and need minimum mentoring.

We understand that every candidate’s mindset towards the idea of success can vary. Everyone’s mindset towards the industry can vary, too.

Some have far-fetched preconceptions of what it’s actually like to be a cam model, or what they have to do to be successful.

Mindset is formed due to factors like personal circumstances, habits, assumptions and past experiences.

We are very perceptive and where we sense significant negativity, this is never a good sign.

These are the candidates who are unlikely to be succesful on cam, therefore we don’t put them through the application process.

Where there are relatively minor objections, obstacles or assumptions we can clear up, we mentor these models along on the track to success.

Ethical Approach

During our interview process we give all candidates a reality check. We lay on the line what is expected of them.

Our experience tells us that models who have significant barriers to working on cam, will by default not be successful on cam.

This is purely because they will not get on and work the required hours to be successful.

These might be physical or mental barriers, or to do with family or relationships.

We turn many applicants away based on the fact they either don’t possess what we require, or we feel the industry will have negative bearing on their mental welfare or home life.

Some we send away armed with information to consider, and leave it down to them to decide if it is right for them.

Webcamming is not for everyone. There are psychological implications of the industry. Read my article This is SEX WORK, can you handle it?

Now you have an idea what your success on webcam hinges on, take a more detailed look around my blog. You’ll find more articles to l help you decide if webcamming is right for you, and if you are right for webcamming.

Already registered? Read my article How to be a cam model.

To apply to join us, go here.

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