Cam Model Mentor Blog

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Monetize your Snapchat

Cam models, get creative with these smart ways to monetize your Snapchat and increase revenue from fans.

Do you use Snapchat? If not, here’s why you should get on it…

  • Snapchat is a social media networking app, available for desktop and mobile.
  • Free to download and packed full of fun features.
  • Flexible options including text messaging, photo and video “snap” messaging, video calling and phone calling.
  • Snapchat is discrete. Messages between users are private and delivered in real time.
  • Privacy features: You can see if the other person screenshots or saves. This helps you to monitor their behaviour.
  • Chat history auto-deletes after 24 hours. This removes all chat which has not been saved.
  • Snapchat keeps your phone number and personal information private.
  • You can make your Snapchat undiscoverable to those on your personal contact list.

  1. Create a username which supports your cam/creator name (not your real name). It takes around 5 minutes, via or Snapchat on the App store.
  2. Have a play around with making photo and video snaps, and exploring the fun filters so you know what to do once you get your first Snapchatters on board.
  3. Sell your Snapchat for a reasonable subscription cost. Promote this on your cam site (if permitted), along with your content pages and social media.
  4. Once you have some followers, make photo or video snaps. They view these on their snap feeds to stay connected with you.
  5. Post daily, if you can. You can show off your look, personality and update fans what you’re up to in chat clips.
  6. Give them hot teases to keep them interested, and bring them to you for interaction – which you then monetize.
  7. Provide calls to action. Custom content deals, instructions to visit you on cam, information on your availability to “play” on Snapchat. Let fans know what their options are and how to request/book.
  8. Post the links they’ll use to pay, or visit you online.

One of the amazing things about Snapchat is you can offer a variety of subscription options.

Make it clear what you include with the subscription. You have messenger chatting and sext (sex texting), photo/video Snap swaps, GFE packages (Girl Friend Experience), video calls, phone calls and custom content.

Alternatively, you can offer your Snapchat subscription-free.

You would monetize it by promoting offers for any of the above benefits, to your captive audience.

Suggested subscription pricing:

  • One week £5 (or equivalent in tokens)
  • One month £15
  • One year £65
  • Lifetime £100

Monetize your Snapchat with one to one video calls. These are private and done over Wifi or 4G data.

Offer a time package such as 15 minutes or 30 minutes, with a one-off payment.

Let your Snapchatters know what they can do with you on a video call.

Ideas include masturbation, toy play, blowjob, femdom, roleplay, fetish, and shower or bath shows.

How about enjoy deep and meaningful conversations with your favourite supportive regulars?

Once show is agreed, have them tip prior to starting. This way you are assured of the money and they don’t benefit from your time for free.

Snapchat video calls are usually cam to cam, which means you both can see each other.

If your Snapchatter disables their video so you can only hear but not see them, this is because they wish to guard their privacy.

This should not bother you, however discuss preferences first, so there are no misunderstandings.

For video calls to be successful, everyone needs to be comfortable.

Suggested video call pricing:

  • 15 minutes £20 (or equivalent in tokens)
  • 30 minutes £50
  • 60 minutes £75
  • One week GFE including messaging with a daily call £400-£500

Monetize your Snapchat with audio (phone) calls. These work really well. Offer packages for time.

Shout out your phone call offers on your snap feed. Do this as a photo snap with text over the top (don’t forget to include how to pay).

Alternatively, do a video snap talking to your followers, hyping it up with a call to action!

As with video calls, there is so much scope for creativity. I have personally used this feature a lot through my years of camming. It is a favourite!

Suggested phone call pricing:

  • 10 mins call £15
  • 20 mins call £25
  • 30 mins call £40
  • 60 mins call £65

Monetize your Snapchat with sext packages, these are so fun!

You can sext via the messenger-style text chat feature or by sending video snaps, pic snaps or voice notes.

Offer sext on a daily, weekly or monthly rate. Also offer short time period sext sessions such as 15, 30 or 60 minutes.

Make it clear how much time they get, along with frequency and method of messaging.

Suggested Snapchat sexting pricing:

  • Daily sext £45
  • Weekly sext £250
  • Monthly sext £600
  • 15 mins sext £15
  • 30 mins sext £35
  • 60 mins sext £50

  • Create a banner or flyer using a photo editing app.
  • Choose your best photo to add your offers in text over the top. Include your subscription deal, video call, phone sex and sext options.
  • Post on your social media and add your pay methods.
  • Instruct fans how and where to tip for the package they would like.
  • Let them know to provide their Snapchat username with their payment.
  • Add custom tip amounts for your Snapchat packages to your cam site (usually you can do this in a tipping menu or bio).
  • Once fans monetize your Snapchat, be responsive and interact with them right away.
  • Make sure you honour what they purchase and deliver amazing service – if you want them to monetize regularly.

Here are my guidelines to monetize Snapchat on a continual and controlled basis:

  1. Respond to fans in a positive manner, but don’t be a pushover!
  2. Be aware of the individuals who regularly reward your time. Show these guys you appreciate them with extra attentiveness.
  3. Be aware of those who do not respect your time, once on your Snapchat. You can always remove them.
  4. Remind monetized fans to tip again for future engagements. Do this by posting your pricing at least twice per week.
  5. Run flash sales, for example pairing up options at a reduced rate (or offer a freebie). Consider deals like custom video + free 20 min phone call package; 15 min video call + 30 mins sexting; free 15 min sexting with every subscription renewal. Deals often trigger action from fans.
  6. If any fan creeps regularly into your DMs without monetizing your time, you can delete them.

Now you are armed with all the basics you’ll need to monetize your Snapchat, go ahead and make that dough!

Want some show ideas for cam, or Snapchat? Read here!

Want to know how you can gain 100k followers in 6 months? Read Honey Martinez’ interview here!

Would you like to make more money on cam with interactive toys? Read here!

Apply to work with LVE Models here.


Your webcam success hinges on…

Your webcam success hinges on some essential character traits. Here I explain what these are and why they matter.

As an established presence in the industry, LVE Models are never short of aspiring models approaching in the quest for cam model success.

Where we differ from most agencies who play a numbers game, is we do not chase commission at the cost of the individual.

We do not sign just anyone, without considering whether they are suited to the work or not.

LVE Models look for a certain type of model and we are stringent with our interview process.

We do this because our experience tells us that only a certain type of model will be successful. And, it is not all about how they look in application photos.

Becoming a profitable cam model is 80% character and mental capacity to do the work. Only 20% is how the individual looks.

Your webcam success hinges on the right outlook and approach. We look for the following character traits in all applicants:

First and foremost, a great attitude is required. This includes a likeable nature and a positive view on cam modelling as a whole.

A bad attitude results in a poor approach to the work. It also has a repelling effect on the guys who are most likely to spend the money.

In every case we refuse to take on candidates who do not possess a positive, personable attitude when we interview them.

The ability to self-discipline is essential. This means to get online and work the required hours in order to make money and build the following.

Lack of self-discipline and flakiness never results in success.

Success is all about consistency, which comes only from the disciplined individuals.

We ask the following questions and make clear:

The candidates who understand the above and show that they possess this mindset and potential, are candidates we will invest time in.

How capable are you to self-motivate? Self-motivation links back to the discipline element.

Remind yourself continually of your motives to work, i.e. why you want to be successful on cam, because this is the driving force.

Read my article Secrets to self-motivation to learn about motives and goal setting.

Lack of self-motivation often comes and goes in cam models, due to the industry peaks and troughs.

The ability to stay motivated through thick and thin is paramount in order to be successful on cam.

We help models with motivation as part of our support group, however the willingness needs to be there to start with.

Resilience goes hand in hand with motivation and discipline. This is the power to push through, no matter what!

They stay strong, focussed on their game through difficult times.

They accept that dealing with unpleasant users or working through personal issues just is part and parcel of the job.

The prime candidate for cam model success will therefore:

Have AWESOME ATTITUDE * Be highly MOTIVATED * Be DISCIPLINED to work to a schedule * Possess the ability to stay strong and RESILIENT through the inevitable ups and downs.

Cam Model Mentoring

We here at LVE Models understand that these essential character traits will come easier in some indiviuals than others.

These traits are present in many individuals; they just need to be coached and encouraged. Others possess them naturally in abundance and need minimum mentoring.

We understand that every candidate’s mindset towards the idea of success can vary. Everyone’s mindset towards the industry can vary, too.

Some have far-fetched preconceptions of what it’s actually like to be a cam model, or what they have to do to be successful.

Mindset is formed due to factors like personal circumstances, habits, assumptions and past experiences.

We are very perceptive and where we sense significant negativity, this is never a good sign.

These are the candidates who are unlikely to be succesful on cam, therefore we don’t put them through the application process.

Where there are relatively minor objections, obstacles or assumptions we can clear up, we mentor these models along on the track to success.

Ethical Approach

During our interview process we give all candidates a reality check. We lay on the line what is expected of them.

Our experience tells us that models who have significant barriers to working on cam, will by default not be successful on cam.

This is purely because they will not get on and work the required hours to be successful.

These might be physical or mental barriers, or to do with family or relationships.

We turn many applicants away based on the fact they either don’t possess what we require, or we feel the industry will have negative bearing on their mental welfare or home life.

Some we send away armed with information to consider, and leave it down to them to decide if it is right for them.

Webcamming is not for everyone. There are psychological implications of the industry. Read my article This is SEX WORK, can you handle it?

Now you have an idea what your success on webcam hinges on, take a more detailed look around my blog. You’ll find more articles to l help you decide if webcamming is right for you, and if you are right for webcamming.

Already registered? Read my article How to be a cam model.

To apply to join us, go here.


Manage distractions make more money

Keen to learn how to manage distractions and make more money on cam? Here’s how…

I often notice major spoiler issues overlooked in online chat rooms, even by experienced cam models. My top five distractions listed below are common stumbling blocks to successful camming.

These typically translate to wasted time and missed earning opportunities.

The number one culprit! Either leave it alone, or put it out of reach to avoid the temptation of surfing and scrolling.

When members look in chat rooms and see models looking down at their phones they assume the model is bored. Cam models who sit or lay using their phones often find they have no interaction, then wonder why they can’t make money.


Members gravitate to chat rooms that appear busy with models paying attention to their audience. Keeping an eye out for potential spenders and working immediately to engage them shows interest. They are more likely to spend, thus the model is able capitalise.

Keep pets out of the room as this is distracting for the model and off-putting to viewers. When members are keen to get sexy, they don’t want to see a dog or cat jumping all over the model’s bed.

If a cam model is petting their animal, this sends out the wrong signals. It sets the impression that the model is giving their pet all the attention and not ready for sexual activity.


Make sure your pet is well fed and exercised before shutting them out of the room. This means they are not distracting you and crushing your ability to make money.

Only work online when you know you have the time booked out where there are not going to be other people in the property disturbing you. This includes children if you are a camming mother.

If camming after kids have gone to bed make sure there is a lock on the inside of the door. This is to prevent them bursting into the room whilst you’re in a sexual predicament in the event they do wake up.


This safeguards them from seeing things they should not see and safeguards you in respect of the site’s Code of Conduct. The appearance of minors is strictly forbidden across all sites.

If your child wakes up, immediately switch off your connection to the site. Call to them and let them know you’re coming. Quickly make yourself decent, hide sex toys and go be mumma.

While this may be annoying whilst on cam, nobody can prevent unexpected knocks on the door. If you know you have a delivery due on a day you’re on cam, ensure you’ve planned for their arrival. Be organised leaving safeplace instructions if possible. If you have a time slot for a delivery it is best to be offline during this time.

The last thing you want is to be in the middle of a private show and someone is banging on the door something to be signed for.

Not only does this disrupt the show, it is irritating for the member who is paying for the show.


In an ideal world all cam models would be camming with exclusive dibs over their internet connection. Where others are in the property using the internet for activities such as gaming or any other form of live streaming, this can crush the bandwidth.

This often causes the connection on the cam model’s part to lag and freeze, thus throwing a spanner in the works of making money.

Everyone’s personal situation at home differs so it is important to be aware of this factor. Find a work-around solution found to prevent any disruptions to you working on cam.


If you live in a shared property, try and obtain the fastest possible connection. Sometimes it’s necessary to upgrade to gain the greatest amount of bandwidth and the highest possible upload speed.

In cases where upload speed is low, work your sessions around when other members of the household are out, or sleeping. You may need to agree a compromise. Read my article about minimum connection requirements here.

From time to time, unforseen distracting or disturbing factors are bound to crop up that you cannot control. These could be situations causing significant bearing on your concentration or thwarting your ability to work on cam entirely.

Excessive noise factors such as neighbours banging around doing DIY or workmen digging up the road are typical bugbares. In these cases it is best to wait until they are finished before jumping online. This risk of logging on and ending up frustrated will be noticable by anybody you are visible to online.

Members always feed off cam models’ energy so if there is anything distracting going on, they sense when the model is irritated or fed up. They will feel the same too!


Ultimately every distraction has a solution so the key is to be mindful at all times. Be aware of how certain factors affect performance and profitability, and prepared to make adaptations when necessary.

This awareness helps improve online consciousess for the model. The aim is to create a professional environment in which they can manage any distractions and make more money on cam.

To apply to work with us, head over to LVE Models.

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