Cam Model Mentor Blog

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Amara: “My first 6 months as a live camgirl”

I’m Amara and I’m here to share how I’ve found my first 6 months as a live camgirl.

I started my journey into webcamming in January 2024, having lost my job following a probation period.

On the same day as losing my job, I was also supposed to do my annual re-registration in my profession.

I decided against that, having been working almost six years in my career and ultimately unhappy.

I played with the idea of switching to another career and industry and even upskilled to apply for other roles. This will sound familiar to a lot of people.

After a period of applying and knowing that I could not pretend to care anymore, I decided against going back into an office environment.

I was so certain it would not work for me and would do anything to avoid going back.

Needs must so I started doing newspaper rounds to cover the bills immediately.

In terms of longer term work, I knew I needed something that fulfilled the wild side that has always been there.

I began looking into adult entertainment and went on Tiktok to look for information about becoming a stripper. I was keen to hear from black women in the industry, and what works for them.

Someone caught my eye on Tiktok so I messaged her for advice. She was kind enough to reach out send me some information.

The info led me to a site called ‘Laptastic’ which is a lapdancing agency.

It is there I saw an affiliate company ‘LVE Models.’

I had heard about webcam modelling at a younger age. The ability to work for myself from home were the first things that struck a chord with me.

This was the very type of opportunity I had been looking for. After doing research, I saw that LVE Models offer mentoring and no prior experience was needed. 

I liked the information they presented online and watched their model video testimonials.

I approached them and they were very responsive and helpful.

There has been no bullshit when it comes to LVE Models, they are real people. I have truly been guided and supported. I believe this is because the mentoring is run by someone who has years of experience as a cam model, and genuinely cares.

Now I am almost 6 months into my webcamming career. My confidence has grown and I am enjoying interacting with customers from a positive stance.

Of course there are a few trolls, but these are easy to block and the majority of interactions are positive.

I have a good laugh with a lot of customers. Having fun makes camming more worthwile and helps motivate me on days were I’m not feeling best.

A huge learning curve in how to overcome hurdles and practice patience, as camming takes a lot of that.

I’m enjoying caring for myself, getting up with a purpose and making myself up. Having to look good on cam forces me make the effort, so I feel good about about my appearance each day.

I’ve also really enjoyed challenging myself by adding content creation to my bow.

I set up an X account so I’m pushing my content through social media and building my following there.

Most recently I  had a supporter request a Lovense toy wishlist!  The additional toys have really boosted my streams.

This came at a really good time and my goal going forward is to push my targets further with this.

I have already had the opportunity to fulfill some of my goals through webcamming. Being able to pick my location, take time for myself and become a lot happier, all these things for the win!

I am also able to be flexible with my hours and choose when I work. This works really well as I have other interests and like getting involved in other projects.

I  find camming to be the most liberating job I’ve ever done. I’ve absolutely loved my first 6 months as a live camgirl and I look forward to continuing on this journey.

  • Practice patience and consistency. Camming, like anything, only works well if you’re consistent.
  • Try different times of the day, different outfits, personas and positions to work out what fits you best. 
  • Take regular breaks if you find you cannot work longer sessions. Camming can be draining. It affects the outcome when energy is depleted.
  • Have hobbies and other things going on outside of cam, so you look forward to working on cam.
  • Camming allows you to be who you want to be, so nurture that authenticity and be proud of it.

Are you cut out for the job? Find out here.

Want some tips on how to be a cam model? Read here.

Ready to apply to work with us? Casting is here.


Monetize your Snapchat

Cam models, get creative with these smart ways to monetize your Snapchat and increase revenue from fans.

Do you use Snapchat? If not, here’s why you should get on it…

  • Snapchat is a social media networking app, available for desktop and mobile.
  • Free to download and packed full of fun features.
  • Flexible options including text messaging, photo and video “snap” messaging, video calling and phone calling.
  • Snapchat is discrete. Messages between users are private and delivered in real time.
  • Privacy features: You can see if the other person screenshots or saves. This helps you to monitor their behaviour.
  • Chat history auto-deletes after 24 hours. This removes all chat which has not been saved.
  • Snapchat keeps your phone number and personal information private.
  • You can make your Snapchat undiscoverable to those on your personal contact list.

  1. Create a username which supports your cam/creator name (not your real name). It takes around 5 minutes, via or Snapchat on the App store.
  2. Have a play around with making photo and video snaps, and exploring the fun filters so you know what to do once you get your first Snapchatters on board.
  3. Sell your Snapchat for a reasonable subscription cost. Promote this on your cam site (if permitted), along with your content pages and social media.
  4. Once you have some followers, make photo or video snaps. They view these on their snap feeds to stay connected with you.
  5. Post daily, if you can. You can show off your look, personality and update fans what you’re up to in chat clips.
  6. Give them hot teases to keep them interested, and bring them to you for interaction – which you then monetize.
  7. Provide calls to action. Custom content deals, instructions to visit you on cam, information on your availability to “play” on Snapchat. Let fans know what their options are and how to request/book.
  8. Post the links they’ll use to pay, or visit you online.

One of the amazing things about Snapchat is you can offer a variety of subscription options.

Make it clear what you include with the subscription. You have messenger chatting and sext (sex texting), photo/video Snap swaps, GFE packages (Girl Friend Experience), video calls, phone calls and custom content.

Alternatively, you can offer your Snapchat subscription-free.

You would monetize it by promoting offers for any of the above benefits, to your captive audience.

Suggested subscription pricing:

  • One week £5 (or equivalent in tokens)
  • One month £15
  • One year £65
  • Lifetime £100

Monetize your Snapchat with one to one video calls. These are private and done over Wifi or 4G data.

Offer a time package such as 15 minutes or 30 minutes, with a one-off payment.

Let your Snapchatters know what they can do with you on a video call.

Ideas include masturbation, toy play, blowjob, femdom, roleplay, fetish, and shower or bath shows.

How about enjoy deep and meaningful conversations with your favourite supportive regulars?

Once show is agreed, have them tip prior to starting. This way you are assured of the money and they don’t benefit from your time for free.

Snapchat video calls are usually cam to cam, which means you both can see each other.

If your Snapchatter disables their video so you can only hear but not see them, this is because they wish to guard their privacy.

This should not bother you, however discuss preferences first, so there are no misunderstandings.

For video calls to be successful, everyone needs to be comfortable.

Suggested video call pricing:

  • 15 minutes £20 (or equivalent in tokens)
  • 30 minutes £50
  • 60 minutes £75
  • One week GFE including messaging with a daily call £400-£500

Monetize your Snapchat with audio (phone) calls. These work really well. Offer packages for time.

Shout out your phone call offers on your snap feed. Do this as a photo snap with text over the top (don’t forget to include how to pay).

Alternatively, do a video snap talking to your followers, hyping it up with a call to action!

As with video calls, there is so much scope for creativity. I have personally used this feature a lot through my years of camming. It is a favourite!

Suggested phone call pricing:

  • 10 mins call £15
  • 20 mins call £25
  • 30 mins call £40
  • 60 mins call £65

Monetize your Snapchat with sext packages, these are so fun!

You can sext via the messenger-style text chat feature or by sending video snaps, pic snaps or voice notes.

Offer sext on a daily, weekly or monthly rate. Also offer short time period sext sessions such as 15, 30 or 60 minutes.

Make it clear how much time they get, along with frequency and method of messaging.

Suggested Snapchat sexting pricing:

  • Daily sext £45
  • Weekly sext £250
  • Monthly sext £600
  • 15 mins sext £15
  • 30 mins sext £35
  • 60 mins sext £50

  • Create a banner or flyer using a photo editing app.
  • Choose your best photo to add your offers in text over the top. Include your subscription deal, video call, phone sex and sext options.
  • Post on your social media and add your pay methods.
  • Instruct fans how and where to tip for the package they would like.
  • Let them know to provide their Snapchat username with their payment.
  • Add custom tip amounts for your Snapchat packages to your cam site (usually you can do this in a tipping menu or bio).
  • Once fans monetize your Snapchat, be responsive and interact with them right away.
  • Make sure you honour what they purchase and deliver amazing service – if you want them to monetize regularly.

Here are my guidelines to monetize Snapchat on a continual and controlled basis:

  1. Respond to fans in a positive manner, but don’t be a pushover!
  2. Be aware of the individuals who regularly reward your time. Show these guys you appreciate them with extra attentiveness.
  3. Be aware of those who do not respect your time, once on your Snapchat. You can always remove them.
  4. Remind monetized fans to tip again for future engagements. Do this by posting your pricing at least twice per week.
  5. Run flash sales, for example pairing up options at a reduced rate (or offer a freebie). Consider deals like custom video + free 20 min phone call package; 15 min video call + 30 mins sexting; free 15 min sexting with every subscription renewal. Deals often trigger action from fans.
  6. If any fan creeps regularly into your DMs without monetizing your time, you can delete them.

Now you are armed with all the basics you’ll need to monetize your Snapchat, go ahead and make that dough!

Want some show ideas for cam, or Snapchat? Read here!

Want to know how you can gain 100k followers in 6 months? Read Honey Martinez’ interview here!

Would you like to make more money on cam with interactive toys? Read here!

Apply to work with LVE Models here.


Beat the New Year camming blues

Beat the New Year camming blues by upstyling your online presence. Start 2024 with a bang with these helpful ideas for profitable camming.

January can be a funny time in the adult entertainment industry. Following the rush through the December party season, cam sites universally can feel quite slow.

Folks reign in their spending whilst paying off their Christmas dues, paving way for the skint ol’ New Year blues.

When you’re on your grind and it feels harder to make money, I totally appreciate this gets frustrating.

During this time it is easy to lose sight of the reasons you choose to be a cam model.

It is also easy faith in the industry, but I promise you it still has the potential to be very fruitful in January.

So up-tempo your mindset and believe in yourself!

Follow my guidelines to beat the New Year camming blues and start the year strong!

New Year, New Me!

I hate to say it as it sounds so cliched… but January brings for the perfect opportunity to reinvent.

We already know members browsing through the pages and pages of chat rooms available are spoiled for choice.

If you’ve rocked with the same style for some time, mix it up. Grab some new outfits in the January sales, have a complete look change.

Change your hair colour or style, evolve your image. This keeps regulars intrigued and checking in.

No matter how loyal regulars say they are, they always notice new models (this is human nature). Keep them on your hook!

Switch up your look and style to offer them the variety they need.

You could, dare I say it, even opt for a complete rebrand with a change of name, look, style and vibe.

Ever fancied being a Mistress, a Princess, a Gamer Chick, a Cosplay Queen or Roleplay specialist? Well now’s the perfect time to learn new skills and try new things!

Reinventing is always refreshing. The quickest way to fall out of love with webcamming is to feel like its got stale, so don’t let it be so.

Upstyle your room

Beat the New Year camming blues by upstyling your chat room.

This does not need to be a full-on interior design project. Some simple changes to make the room look more easy on the eyes will work wonders.

Look at getting some new soft furnishings, for example new coloured cushions or a throw for your bed/chair.

Some improved lighting such as additional ringlighting would make your room bright and appealing. Try some fairy lights, lava lamp or neon strip light because this adds a fun touch.

You could also have a complete change of arrangement. Cam in a different room or move your position in your existing room to offer a different camera view. Just make sure the view is nicely decorated and clutter-free.

Upgrade your shows

With the competition for the tippers being so immense, this is not the time to get stuck in a rut of “same old, same old” with your shows.

Members get bored of repetition, and models get bored of doing the same thing over and over.

To stand out amidst the masses of other models online, read my article here.

For ideas of different shows you can do, read my artcile here.

The beautiful thing about being cam model is the flexibility you have. There are unlimited themes you can offer and unlimited ways to perform to get the tips rolling.

Annabelle’s mega tip: Be your own creative director and promo girl!

Choose a day and time to plan a special themed show.

Advertise this in your chat room and on your cam model social media.

This gives you something fun to plan and it gives your followers something to get revved up for.

I recommend you do this weekly throughout January. This creates a positive new habit and sets a new higher standard.

Even better, do it weekly indefinitely. Benefit from the abundance this creative energy brings!

The end gain is of this exercise is to you keep your fans returning and attract new ones.

As a by product you evolve as a cam model and continue to find your work fulfilling.

Time to switch

If despite trying different things your existing cam site is not working out, let January open the door to other options. There are many platforms out there with different features you can try out.

Check out my article here when researching where to start looking for alternatives.

If you’d like to work with an agency or studio, this can benefit you immensely in terms of guidance, support and motivation. Always check out charging structures versus what agencies offer.

Bear in mind many agencies will charge you commission on top of the network commission. Look for credible model testimonials you can verify to active working models.

Check out these tips by some of our LVE Models!

Want to know why it is so important to build your following to achieve success as a cam model? Read here.


Nova Ramone: “Why strippers make the best camgirls”

Pink Champagne’s Nova flies the flag for exotic dancers building their success in the camming world. We discuss how Covid19 was a blessing in disguise, why strippers make the best camgirls and how our two brands have found the perfect synergy.

Exotic dance agency owner Nova Ramone is one of two partners facing up Pink Champage Entertainment. She is also one of LVE Models‘ feature performers.

Pink Champagne Entertainment is 100% female owned and operated, based in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan.

Nova and her business partner Ivy West created their own brand following years working the strip venues.

They had experienced first hand the unethical ways some male dominated agencies failed their entertainers, and wanted to revolutionise the stigma.

Pink Champagne’s mission is to provide a safe, respectful and motivational atmosphere for all exotic entertainers to work and thrive in.

We have been so disappointed with how female dancers are treated. Some agencies charge such high fees and take a greater chunk of earnings than they rightfully should.

At Pink Champagne our primary focus is the entertainers; their growth, safety and empowerment. As a result, they’re happy and put out quality performances.

Nova Ramone

Business was booming for Pink Champagne, when the Covid19 pandemic shook the world in the early part of 2020. The same way it did in almost every other country and continent, the dreaded C-word spread like wildfire in Canada.

Nobody knew how long it would go on, but the fate of strip clubs and all other social nightlife forms saw them dark and desolate for the next two to three years.

With mass shutdowns and mass panic; individuals working in these sectors were forced to explore other options.

It was a matter of doing whatever you could, just to keep your head above water.

With concerns over the future of her business amidst the Covid uncertainty, the Pink Champagne lady initially turned her hand to content creating on a major fans platform.

After a year not going anywhere on the fans platform, came her lucky break.

A connection from Nova’s dancing network – a fellow Canadian recently signed to LVE Models – led her to the cam model opportunity via a shoutout on her Instagram story.

“I turned to webcamming during Covid because I needed to make money quickly.

I had tried Only Fans for a year, it was a lot of effort for very little reward.

A fellow dancer who had joined LVE Models tagged them on an Instagram post.

She told me how it worked and that the network was lucrative. I immediately submitted my application.

Honestly, the pandemic was a blessing in disguise. Had it not been for Covid, I would not have discovered how amazing this is.

Nova and I, both from an exotic dancing background; discussed our collective ideology of why strippers make the best camgirls.

We concluded that it is because webcamming is the perfect compliment to exotic dancing, due to the principles being much the same.

For starters, any female who is comfortable taking her clothes off in front of a stranger has already embraced her next-level confidence.

The appealing physical movements of lapdancers are transferable online and make great cam shows. These girls know how work their bodies to get the men spending their cash!

It takes a certain level of mental aptitude and discipline to manage onself in both of these environments.

Lapdancers, once they’ve gone the distance in that arena, are well-primed to take the next step into camming.

Adult entertainment is so much more than people realise. Both dancing and camming require a certain level of perception and self-awareness that only a certain type of female has.

In both areas you’re doing sales, advertising, networking, performing and so much more. You’re an agency in and of yourself.

Nova Ramone

Nova believes her consistent and adaptable approach has helped her master her top-notch money-making skills.

The arts of self-selling and conversational fluency are essential when working one’s magic on the best spenders, be it in person or online.

Our experience tells us that these things, accordingly, come with experience.

Gaining these skills is something any performer can do but it’s a long game which requires persistence and resilience.

Many just drop away if they don’t pay attention to this requirement or can’t be bothered to invest the time in learning.

Let us not forget that strippers are undoubtedly in the forefront where it comes to creativity, as a result of their ability to adapt theme and styling for dance shows. This is gold when translated into live cam shows.

As a dancer I am used to getting into character. I can make absolutely any setting or scenario into a sexy fun time in which to monetise.

Every day and night is different as a stripper or as a camgirl. Whatever crowd I experience I am able to take it in, adapt and slay.

Nova Ramone

Since Nova came on board with LVE Models, a natural synergy began to form between the two companies.

Both LVE Models and Pink Champagne offer a high-end professional service, helping high quality models and performers be successful.

They help individuals achieve their the maximum earning potential whilst ensuring they feel comfortable and supported in their respective outlets.

LVE Models are what Pink Champagne Entertainment is all about: community spirit and lifting each other up. This is important and fundamental to the success of individuals and companies as a whole.

There is no throwing girls into the mix to figure it out on their own. They prepare you to become a pro and support you through learning the platform.

It doesn’t matter how much experience you have in any subset of sex work; a new outlet can be overwhelming. LVE Models take that factor out and make it stress-free.

LVE Models don’t charge commission like other agencies do. Models are motivated knowing they can earn good money whilst being appreciated for their hard work.

Nova Ramone

The amount of information, tips and experience LVE Models pass on to their models is mind-boggling.

The platform is very expansive with many options and features.

Without the road map that LVE Models provide I would have spent this past year just trying to get my footing with all of it.

The guidance ensured I came in prepared to hit the ground running, and with confidence.

Beyond that, I was connected to other LVE Models through a group Whatsapp, so questions or issues outside of the standard guidance can be sounded out with other cam models, who are all supportive like a sisterhood.”

Through the past year Nova has introduced her Pink Champagne dancers to LVE Models and features them into her cam shows. Not only has this enabled creativity to hit new heights, stronger bonds have formed between the entertainers.

This has proven invaluable to their working relationships; both as lapdancers and as camgirls.

It was due to my success and satisfation with LVE that I recommended many dancers in my company to join.

Over half of Pink Champagne’s entertainers are now registered on the platform, including my business partner Ivy West.

I arrange duo shows and we switch these up with different themes and goal shows each time.

Beyond that, us having such intimacy on cam means our shows are raw, genuine, and dynamic as all hell!

Nova Ramone

Nova keeps her busy chat room bolstered by her exotic dance followers. Her sharp business brain told her it would be a good idea to get Pink Champagne business cards printed with her chat room link on.

So she did, and she hands these out at her dance events, enabling customers she meets face to face to visit her online.

Some of the entertainers Nova has brought to the network have gone ahead and done the same. This tactic engineers additional revenue from their private dance guys, which in the process helps the dancing girls become establised cam models.

Nova explains that these visitors are men they’ve formed close connections with, owing to previously meeting in person. Close connections result in them wanting more.

Having an online platform to meet again faciliates this in a way which respects the entertainers’ personal boundaries.

From our customers’ perspectives, they get to watch beautiful women performing as strippers. This gets them hot, whilst they know they cannot do anything more than enjoy seeing us naked.

Giving them a card with our chat room info means they can do exactly what they think about doing to us, through tip activated toys.

It’s a whole new level of interacting which they find exciting and brings in a respectable amount of income!

Nova Ramone

“LVE Models can skyrocket you to top model standing if you’re ready to put in the time and effort.

If you want to maximise your income and grow your network, LVE Models is a major brand booster.

Their support, guidance and coaching combined with your commitment is what will bring you success.

The promotional perks are wonderful and they pay off, especially for feature shows! Anytime I’ve taken advantage of these the results have been phenomenal.

Lastly, I’m not ashamed to tell you I made more money in my first two weeks with LVE Models than I did in a whole year on Only Fans.

Joining LVE Models has been such a positive experience for me. They enabled me to thrive, not just survive the pandemic and strenghten my own brand in the process!

I recommend any exotic dancer to join and grow your network here!”

With special thanks to Nova Ramone at Pink Champagne Entertainment.

To visit Nova Ramone live online, follow her chat room.

To apply to work with us, head over to LVE Models.

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