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Beat the New Year camming blues

Beat the New Year camming blues by upstyling your online presence. Start 2024 with a bang with these helpful ideas for profitable camming.

January can be a funny time in the adult entertainment industry. Following the rush through the December party season, cam sites universally can feel quite slow.

Folks reign in their spending whilst paying off their Christmas dues, paving way for the skint ol’ New Year blues.

When you’re on your grind and it feels harder to make money, I totally appreciate this gets frustrating.

During this time it is easy to lose sight of the reasons you choose to be a cam model.

It is also easy faith in the industry, but I promise you it still has the potential to be very fruitful in January.

So up-tempo your mindset and believe in yourself!

Follow my guidelines to beat the New Year camming blues and start the year strong!

New Year, New Me!

I hate to say it as it sounds so cliched… but January brings for the perfect opportunity to reinvent.

We already know members browsing through the pages and pages of chat rooms available are spoiled for choice.

If you’ve rocked with the same style for some time, mix it up. Grab some new outfits in the January sales, have a complete look change.

Change your hair colour or style, evolve your image. This keeps regulars intrigued and checking in.

No matter how loyal regulars say they are, they always notice new models (this is human nature). Keep them on your hook!

Switch up your look and style to offer them the variety they need.

You could, dare I say it, even opt for a complete rebrand with a change of name, look, style and vibe.

Ever fancied being a Mistress, a Princess, a Gamer Chick, a Cosplay Queen or Roleplay specialist? Well now’s the perfect time to learn new skills and try new things!

Reinventing is always refreshing. The quickest way to fall out of love with webcamming is to feel like its got stale, so don’t let it be so.

Upstyle your room

Beat the New Year camming blues by upstyling your chat room.

This does not need to be a full-on interior design project. Some simple changes to make the room look more easy on the eyes will work wonders.

Look at getting some new soft furnishings, for example new coloured cushions or a throw for your bed/chair.

Some improved lighting such as additional ringlighting would make your room bright and appealing. Try some fairy lights, lava lamp or neon strip light because this adds a fun touch.

You could also have a complete change of arrangement. Cam in a different room or move your position in your existing room to offer a different camera view. Just make sure the view is nicely decorated and clutter-free.

Upgrade your shows

With the competition for the tippers being so immense, this is not the time to get stuck in a rut of “same old, same old” with your shows.

Members get bored of repetition, and models get bored of doing the same thing over and over.

To stand out amidst the masses of other models online, read my article here.

For ideas of different shows you can do, read my artcile here.

The beautiful thing about being cam model is the flexibility you have. There are unlimited themes you can offer and unlimited ways to perform to get the tips rolling.

Annabelle’s mega tip: Be your own creative director and promo girl!

Choose a day and time to plan a special themed show.

Advertise this in your chat room and on your cam model social media.

This gives you something fun to plan and it gives your followers something to get revved up for.

I recommend you do this weekly throughout January. This creates a positive new habit and sets a new higher standard.

Even better, do it weekly indefinitely. Benefit from the abundance this creative energy brings!

The end gain is of this exercise is to you keep your fans returning and attract new ones.

As a by product you evolve as a cam model and continue to find your work fulfilling.

Time to switch

If despite trying different things your existing cam site is not working out, let January open the door to other options. There are many platforms out there with different features you can try out.

Check out my article here when researching where to start looking for alternatives.

If you’d like to work with an agency or studio, this can benefit you immensely in terms of guidance, support and motivation. Always check out charging structures versus what agencies offer.

Bear in mind many agencies will charge you commission on top of the network commission. Look for credible model testimonials you can verify to active working models.

Check out these tips by some of our LVE Models!

Want to know why it is so important to build your following to achieve success as a cam model? Read here.


Wisdom of the LVE cam models

Read on to tap into the wisdom of the LVE cam models. Helpful advice and guidance here for models finding their way in the adult webcam industry.

CAM MODEL MENTOR is owned by LVE Models, an established cam model studio based in the UK. 

We work with some of the world’s elite online performers from the UK, USA, Canada and Europe. 

Proud to have built our reputation on the satisfaction and success of our models, we assist budding and experienced cam stars to thrive in the industry. 

LVE Models provide all the tools and guidance models need to become established. Many go on to make sums of money they never imagined possible!

Word of mouth recommendation is how we grow our business. 
Quite simply, camgirls come to us because they hear of the great things our models achieve and they want to be successful, too.

We have built our studio culture around empowerment. 
Our models are like-minded females who strive to make it big as individuals. 

LVE Models empower each other to rise up and achieve, as a collective. In an industry where competition can be brutal, this is a beautiful thing!

Some of our models have come forward to share their insights and experience with you.

Here is a bunch of wisdom of the LVE cam models!

Tristan Blair

Andrea Nicole

Nova Ramone

Shop the Black Friday Sale!

Jillian Mae

Honey Martinezzz

Hanna Orio


Gigi Tyler

Juicy Lucie

Kitty Star

Not with us yet? Apply to work with LVE Models by completing our online casting form here.

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