Cam Model Mentor Blog

advice for camgirls


Wisdom of the LVE cam models

Read on to tap into the wisdom of the LVE cam models. Helpful advice and guidance here for models finding their way in the adult webcam industry.

CAM MODEL MENTOR is owned by LVE Models, an established cam model studio based in the UK. 

We work with some of the world’s elite online performers from the UK, USA, Canada and Europe. 

Proud to have built our reputation on the satisfaction and success of our models, we assist budding and experienced cam stars to thrive in the industry. 

LVE Models provide all the tools and guidance models need to become established. Many go on to make sums of money they never imagined possible!

Word of mouth recommendation is how we grow our business. 
Quite simply, camgirls come to us because they hear of the great things our models achieve and they want to be successful, too.

We have built our studio culture around empowerment. 
Our models are like-minded females who strive to make it big as individuals. 

LVE Models empower each other to rise up and achieve, as a collective. In an industry where competition can be brutal, this is a beautiful thing!

Some of our models have come forward to share their insights and experience with you.

Here is a bunch of wisdom of the LVE cam models!

Tristan Blair

Andrea Nicole

Nova Ramone

Shop the Black Friday Sale!

Jillian Mae

Honey Martinezzz

Hanna Orio


Gigi Tyler

Juicy Lucie

Kitty Star

Not with us yet? Apply to work with LVE Models by completing our online casting form here.


How to be a cam model

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Thinking of starting out and want to know how to be a cam model? Here are the basics you’ll need to take the first steps towards camming success.

Before we dive in; what has triggered your desire to be a cam model?

What is the appeal about webcamming that has led you to reasearch how to be a cam model?

I would love to know your motive(s) because this is a very specific nature of work that is not for everyone.

It is your motives that have driven you down this road. So be very clear on these. They will form the basis of your work ethic, goals and motivation on your cam modelling journey.

Is it the money motive? The flexibility of working hours? The fact you can work from home and be your own boss?

Do you want know how to be a cam model because you can work around the kids’ routines?

Or is the thought of webcamming a confidence booster?

Perhaps you’ve already done your reasearch and genuinely want to build a career with the highest income potential in the Universe…

Whatever your motives, be crystal clear, write them down.


Take the time to nderstand the nature of the work. Please read my article here for an insight into what the work of a cam model entails.

Many females sign up to cam sites and get cold feet over the nature of the work. They never make their debut appearance on cam, thus never unravelling the formula of how to be a cam model.

So to avoid being a staller, do your research first to make sure you’re totally content with the concept of sex work.


You’ll also need to work out the realistic capability of you being able to work on cam. Do you have enough available time to commit to making this work for you? Are you able to self-motivate and self-discipline to work?

If you’re a mother, do you have sufficient childcare in place? Are there any barriers to you working on cam?

Think about all of these things because your success hinges on your ability to get online and work.


You will next need to determine whether from a technical point of view you have sufficient internet connection and can obtain the required equipment.

This article helps with all you’ll need to get started from a tech setup point of view.

Providing you’ve worked through the three steps above and given yourself the green light, you can make the aspiration of making money on cam a reality!

How exciting! Let’s continue…


There are many cam sites out there, that work in different ways. I wrote an article that explains the differences along with the pros and cons of private sites versus live stream sites.

Have a good old read here, consider your preferences and have a look at some of the big name sites.

Take the time to read T’s and C’s, paying special attention to each site’s Code of Conduct.

Make your informed decision on which one to apply to.


Do this in a professional way. Write a complimentary bio about your cam model persona with detail you want site members to know.

You can tell them about any likes and dislikes, things you’re into (sexual and non sexual) but leave out anything personal.

Never reveal your real name and location. This is for your own safety.

Make sure you have high quality images to add to your profile. This is because you’re going to have to present as a pro to get noticed amongst thousands of other cam models that members have at their disposal.

You don’t actually need professional shoot photos, you can do these self-styled (see my article), but make sure they are super.

Please leave the Snapchat filters on Snapchat, they look ridiculous and amateurish on cam model profiles.


Have a cam model dress style in mind already? Or unsure what works? Depending on how you self-style and dress, will determine the type of members you will attract to follow, interact and spend money with you.

I cannot wait to share this article with you as I just just know you’ll gain some helpful guidance from this.


I cannot stress the importance of working to a schedule if you’re serious about cracking the code of how to be a cam model.

The benefits of working to a schedule are, a, it helps create a routine and structure. b, it assists with the required self-discipline to work and c, followers and fans know when to expect you online.

Now all of the above is check, check, check, check, check, check, check… it is time to get online and start making money.

Simple as that. Or no?

Please don’t be overwhelmed. Let me tell you that first day nerves is totally normal. Even in cam models who are experienced and are moving onto a new site, it can be nerve-wracking.


Once you’ve done it the first time, you get over the anxiety of doing it for the first time… Just like doing a sky dive!

You have come this far, you have to take the leap of faith! Remember the motives that led to your desire to be a cam model?

If you don’t at least give it a try, you’ll live with the feeling of what might have been and never satisfy your motives.


If all of a sudden shyness or lack of confidence becomes the stumbling block, it’s ok, I got you. I’ve known published Playboy models start out on cam and feel shy.

Have a read of my article on bringing out the self-confidence naturally and this will guide you through.

It helps to spend some time watching other models on the site you’ve chosen to work on.

This helps you get a feel of how the site works and how models make money.

Observe other models to gain insight and build confidence, but do not imitate. It’s all about being original.


One of my roles as LVE Models CAM MODEL MENTOR is to assist new models through the process of going online for the first time.

I help them to understand how to be a cam model, find feet and shape their style online.

New models find having someone experienced in the industry who understands the process, is worth its weight in gold.

For many models its the difference between dropping away and going on to have successful careers online.


Once you’ve watched some other models and are feeling confident, take the plunge and go online. Start engaging your audience.

I cannot emphasise enough. ENGAGEMENT is the answer I would give if someone asked me to pick just one word to describe what makes a cam model a profitable cam model.

The vast majority of members will not be interactive on cam sites unless the model is interactive.

With no effort made on the model’s part to be interactive, people will lurk and watch as though the room as a porn tube.

Whether you’re brand new to the industry or an experienced cam model feeling a little stagnant on cam; will find this article about engagement super helpful. Please take the time to read it.


It may be stating the obvious but if you’re a person with a pleasant and agreeable nature, people will warm to you.

Having a positive attitude toward the work, the industry and the people who connect with you is how to win fans and make money.

A good attitude creates a nice vibe, one where people will feel comfortable and relaxed in the model’s company.

When people love the attitude and character of a cam model, they hang out and be the fan club. This means support through the quiet times as well as the busy times, enabling the profile and presence to grow and the cam model’s motivation to stay high.

A good attitude forms a great reputation based on which a cam model’s identity and brand can thrive!


On the flipside, if the attitude is bad, the majority of potential admirers will be repelled and leave.

It is only a small percentage of cam site users who are attracted to camgirls who act bratty or bitchy. Bad attitude is usually a turn off and translates to a chat room vibe that most people feel uncomfortable in.

Cam models are always judged based on their attitude so always strive to keep this positive and be personable at all times.


TOP TIP! Being personable is how you gain followers, fans and regulars. It is crucial to present a cam model persona that people want to be around in order to build a following. Great regulars stick with and support their favourite cam models – even during the slower times online!


Cam models should aways use their imagination to create shows that are interesting, exciting and keep viewers captivated.

Using a variety of outfits, looks, toys and props, and trying out different show types will make followers stay hungry and keen to see more.

If the cam model’s performances are boring and predictable they struggle to retain regular clients.

At LVE Models I work with models individually to help bring out their unique styles. I give them plenty of ideas to work into their shows and help them identify a niche.

To possess a niche as a cam model is to possess the X-Factor!



Last by by no means least: consistency. Consistency is a basic human character trait. It requires no prerequisite or qualification. Consistency is all about being mentally strong, focussed and resilient.

A consistent cam model is one who works every week, high self-motivated and focussed on her goals.


Lack of consistency is often the result of lack self-displine. Without consistency there is no viability as a cam model and it is impossible to make a living.

Motivation struggles are the most common issue I assist models to deal with. There is no shame, it is a very normal, very common problem that affects almost all models at some stage.

There are a whole host of factors that contribute to this. Here I have written an article about self-motivation to offer some guidance in this area.


Spend as much time as you need looking around my blog and reading my posts. Feel free to head over to my contact form if you have any questions.

If you would like some insight from one of our top models, I recommend you to watch Jillian Mae’s interview. Jillian explains how LVE Models have worked with her to be a camming success story, so hit this link now.

To read more about what your success on cam will depend on, read this article.

To apply to work with us, head over to LVE Models.

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Jazzy J: “Cam makes me more money than I ever imagined”

“Cam makes me more money than I ever imagined!” is JazzyJ’s motivation in CAM MODEL MENTOR’s first Spotlight interview. This top CamSoda model makes more money than most.

If ever there was a camming success story to inspire the masses, it’s that of JazzyJ.

The 32-year-old cam star epitomises the image of the exotic dream girl. One who is wrapped in an impressive package of aptitude and professionalism across the board.

JazzyJ’s diverse performance skillset combines with her consistency of work ethic, intellect, and conversational competency. Her knack for hooking in big spenders sees her cemented as one of the highest earning models in the industry.

The Arizona-based American, who has Thai heritage, moved into the camming arena from the technology industry during 2020’s Covid pandemic.

JazzyJ’s motive to start on webcam was her astute desire to build an income stream outside of tech project management. At the time, job security was shrouded in uncertainty therefore this was a shrewd move.

Over the weeks JazzyJ rose rapidly in the popularity and earnings stakes, working with determination and drive. She smashed the glass ceiling of all salary expectations she’d had prior to being a cam model.

For the most ambitious of models, there is no ceiling, the income potential is uncapped. Within a matter of months, JazzyJ had proven this by exceeding the limits of her former project manager payscale.

Cam makes me money than I ever imagined!

In 2020, after only 9 months as a cam girl, I had made three times more money than I had in a whole year as a Project Manager.

Since then, my earnings have continued to increase each month and year!


During Jazzy’s early beginnings she spent time researching a site, identifying her favourite camgirls. She observed how they managed their chat rooms then took inspiration. This inspiration helped her create her own winning formula and camming persona:

I remember when first starting, I would wish to be as good as certain girls who were my idols.I watched to see how they would control their rooms and interact with the members. Shortly after starting I developed my own style that worked for me.

The camgirls I once looked up to, I’ve now surpassed! I feel proud I was able to find my footing to create a chat room and persona that makes me now one of CamSoda’s top girls.


Despite banking five-figure weekly payouts on CamSoda, JazzyJ is her own tough taskmaster. Disappointed when falling short of the high targets she sets, including weekly and monthly bonus prizes.

She says resilience is key and the constant push knowing she’s one of the strongest contenders is her continual self-motivation.

I get upset when I miss my daily tip goal or lose a top earner competition. The fact I feel this way tells me that I have all the ambition to be the best model on the site.

I often give myself a reality check and tell myself I’m still one of the top girls. I keep my head up and keep shooting for the moon!


So far this year JazzyJ ‘numero uno’ on CamSoda’s top monthly earner leaderboard for the months of May, June, August and September. Each time with a cash bonus prize of $3000.

She has also won ten weekly top earner bonus prizes to the tune of $2000 a piece.

JazzyJ’s big money hustle sees her dedicate dozens of hours to her live stream every week in order to tick her financial boxes. Grinding through exhausting 8-10 hour sessions, she is mindful of her need to even this out with a healthy work-life equilibrium.

Her chosen profession as a cam model facilitates her joyful spontaneity. JazzyJ is self-confessed, free-spirited travel junkie.

The American beauty enjoys regular long weekends away to embark on exciting road trips with her Husky dog, Grom.

Together they love to immerse in natural surroundings. Their favourite spots are wide open spaces such as the bright, breezy Pacific coast beaches and the breathtaking Rocky mountains.

JazzyJ with Grom on a road trip vacation

In the long term JazzyJ looks forward to an early retirement. Her adventurer spirit craves to soak up many more sights and delights of the USA along with exploring the big wide world.

Thanks to working on cam I’ve paid off credit card bills, paid off my Tesla car and placed a sizable down-payment for a house.

I’m my own boss, I work to my own schedule and I’m on a continual quest to make more money and financially independent.

I love to travel wherever and whenever I want, and my dream is to retire early and enjoy so many more travel experiences!


Keen to find out what JazzyJ enjoys so much about camming, apart from the obvious money motives; I ask what brings her greatest sense of satisfaction. Her answer is: helping people.

She describes this as fulfilling a need for them where they cannot obtain a certain level of enjoyment and attention elsewhere.

Taking a keen interest in members and their very personal requirements is the way the smart model raises the bar. Her aim with the big money guys is to build long term relationships, where she can be their friend and confidante. This goes alongside serving as their therapist or anything else they desire her to be.

It is Jazzy’s understanding and receptiveness to their needs, along with her ‘practical’ skills as a cam model that keeps her regulars coming back and spending more money. Her trademark show is her ‘squirt marathon’ – need I say more?!

Respecting their online Queen in tips is the very least they can do for the quality of the performer’s ‘output’ on cam.

JazzyJ explains:

People join cam sites mainly because they are lonely or horny. After being with me, they leave the site more relaxed and happy than they were when they logged on.

That means a lot to me, especially since there are many camgirls they can choose from, yet they choose to be in my room.


On a deeper level, JazzyJ gets the most satisfaction from members who come to her for conversation.

She enjoys indulging them in sexual acts they cannot obtain in their day to day life as this is fulfilling for both parties.

She tells how some men are insecure or uncomfortable discussing certain things in person, especially when related to sexual kinks or personal problems.

Sometimes there is simply a lack of self confidence to chat with an attractive woman face to face.

If a man is coming to me on CamSoda because he cannot talk with someone in real life, it is flattering and empowering. There are things people have told me in privates that they have not told their own spouses.

I often say spending time with me is cheaper and more personal than speaking to a real life therapist!


Jazzy appreciates the importance of having cam model friends who understand their challenging industry. Having her own support network is priceless because it helps increase motivation. It is also helpful work through problems, swap experiences and advice with.

I’ve met a few other cam girls that share similar views. It’s great having friends in the industry who share the same frustrations as I do because this makes life more pleasant on cam.

I often vent to my friends and most of the time, they share the same experiences. It helps when you don’t feel like you’re on your own.

Having cam friends helps you feel sane when you’re having a bad day. I’m friends with some top cam girls and we root for each other because we all want to make more money than we ever imagined!

  • #1 Be yourself, love yourself and know your worth.
  • #2 Stay in control and respect everyone until they disrespect you. If anyone does or says anything you don’t find acceptable, kick them from your room.
  • #3 Stay guarded with members and other cam girls. Don’t give away personal information, you cannot be sure who is trustworthy.
  • #4 Set your own boundaries. This is a tough industry to be successful in if you do things that make you uncomfortable for money. Not everyone has the personality or willingness to do this, so never do anything your uncomfortable with.
  • #5 Create your own identity and stand out as an individual.
  • #6 Watch other camgirls for inspiration, but never imitate.
  • #7 Bad days are inevitable, on these days don’t cam. Feeling sad, in pain, or tired? People can sense that. Just take break and cam when you’re feeling better.
  • #8 Be consistent every week. It is not possible for any cam model to improve and make more money if they are content not reaching their goals.

JazzyJ: Cam makes me more money than I ever imagined! To find out more about JazzyJ and her live shows, visit her here: JazzyJ. Follow her on Instagram. Photo credits: JazzyJ

To apply to work with us, head over to LVE Models.


The Webcamming Boom

I explain the recent webcamming boom since 2020s Covid pandemic, and why cam sites are so well subscribed.

We live in the age of cutting-edge tech, where innovations in digital media and communications have made them become more and more accessible, user-friendly and sophisticated.

With robust internet infrastructure and leaps in virtual reality, people can unite internationally. They enjoy real time connection, from home, using the click of a button, like we’ve never experienced before.

The recent Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the high dependency of individuals and businesses on the world wide web. With millions across the globe stuck home in lockdowns, as a result, we were all encouraged to become more tech-savvy.

Governments told their people to explore new apps, software, intranets and other online services for a whole multitude of purposes.

For many these have proven to be lifesavers, presenting the means for people to not only keep their heads above water in the pandemic, but explore the greater world of opportunity that’s available to them in all areas from work to education to social media and entertainment.

The webcamming boom exploded during Covid-19.

Adult cam sites are over 18’s playgrounds for those who crave social interactions and companionship as well as sexual thrills hedonists.


Sexual kicks and whatever the flavour sees serious bandwidth devoured. There’s chat, tease, roleplay, fetish and hardcore porn and a whole lot more available in real time, on mass, streamed live.

Interactive model feature on desktops, laptops, smartphones and other portable devices, 24 hours a day.

It is no surprise that member accounts as well as performer accounts on mainstream cam sites have increased in their droves. Lockdown forced everyone to stay at home and find ways to relieve their…boredom.

Live streaming sites have become so much more state of the art in recent years. They packed with features to make both camgirl and end user experience explosive on many levels.

There are genius interactive sex toys that react on tips and virtual casino style games. Virtual reality apps enable users to not only see and hear, but taste and enjoy the sensation they are touching their favourite camgirls.

These online venues are exciting places to hang out and people quickly find themselves hooked.

In my personal network I have lapdancers and females from the hospitality, beauty, leisure and fitness industries. Females who were either laid off work completely in the pandemic, or had their ability to earn income dramatically reduced.

They had to change track in order to survive the ‘stay home stay safe’ period through 2020 and 2021. Turning to online sex work was their life-line.

I know stay-home mothers who stepped up to the plate and worked on cam to support their families.

Their spouse’s business folded in the pandemic so the female became the breadwinner. With that in mind, ‘stay home stay prosperous’ is a more fitting title for these Covid camming converts.

Not only have some of these women worked smart, they’ve had fun selling sexy shows and content online during a global pandemic crisis.

Forced to make a dramatic life change, consider the marvel of this. It was a change that came through circumstances none of us had any control, versus now, two years on where things are largely back to normal and we DO have a choice.

Many camgirls have chosen to continue camming rather than go back to their former jobs. This is because unlike regular salaried jobs with a fixed payscale, they know their income potential is uncapped.

Two years on they find themselves in a far more affluent situation than ever before. They work less hours and with greater flexibility.

As a consistent, committed cam model it is possible to earn life-changing four or five figure weekly payouts. I know a number of them who do!


I continue to operate in this industry with my own busy, thriving virtual studio. We are hosted on one of the USA’s most lucrative live streaming networks. I know the industry inside and out, having worked hard during the pandemic to be in this enviable position.

I manage, mentor and creatively direct for a number of high-end webcam models from UK, USA, Canada and Europe.

Many of the models I take care of are Covid pandemic success stories in their own right. They thrived, rather than just survived the pandemic by seizing the opportunity to work from home.

They played their part in the webcamming boom and are not just part of this statistic, but now a strong presence in the industry.

Enjoy reading the wisdom and insights of some of the LVE Cam Models here.

To apply to work with us, head over to LVE Models.

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