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  • How to Deal with Internet Trolls

    Nobody should put up with poor treatment from others, on webcam sites or anywhere else. Here I explain how to tackle the problem of internet trolls. Internet trolls can be overbearing, often a source of despair and drain for cam models. Here are some tips on how to deal with internet trolls and rude users in general. Fortunately, in my experience of the site’s I have worked on, the majority of site members do adhere to the Codes of Conduct and behave respectfully. Most are pleasant to interact with and are careful not to overstep the mark. Just like there is always a group of troublemaking kids in every school full of nice kids, it’s the minority that try to spoil it. A few will go out of their way to make others feel crappy. On every webcam site there are always individuals who get kicks out of being unpleasant. They will try to ruin someone else’s day or destroy their self-esteem. I wish I could wave a magic wand and stop this from happening, but I cannot. THE ISSUE LIES WITH THE TROLL Please understand that THEY are the problem, not you! I can hand on heart tell you that in pretty much every case, a troll’s behavior is a reflection of the issues within their own lives. They feel crappy about something, so tearing others down is their method of making themselves feel better about their own miserable existence. Sometimes trolling is triggered by relentless boredom. It may be resentment for something that’s happened to them. In some cases it’s a mental health issue like narcissism. Cam site trolls are detached from the fact that cam models are real people with living expenses and families to support. They think shooting them down will solve all the problems in the world when in fact cam models are working, tax paying adults who deserve their rights to respect and privacy. No matter how well webcam sites are policed by Admins, there are always going to be losers who attempt to breach these basic human rights of cam models. They will make stupid, insulting and down-right degrading comments. Unfortunately there is no way to vet cam site members before they join in order to determine how they will behave, therefore sites will never be able to stop trolls from joining and skulking around on cam sites causing trouble. TAKE CONTROL All power to cam models, as the power is in their hands to take control of the ridiculous key board warriors! Nip their nonsense in the bud by doing these three things: #1 SHOW DIGNITY If somebody is rude, no matter how much this catches you on the hot – show dignity. Do this because it demonstrates maturity and shows the person on the attack that you refuse to be torn down. As a result, they realise they cannot win. #2 STAY STRONG Maintain a strong and calm stance. This sets the standard for the level of behaviour you expect in your chat room and shows anybody else who is witnessing the spectacle that you are a Queen! #3 TAKE ACTION Know how to deal with internet trolls. Understand you have the following methods for taking action. How you may wish to take action is down to you to determine the seriousness of their ‘crime.’ METHODS TO DEAL WITH TROLLS IGNORE Ignore if a person does or says something that you find stupid, annoying or immature. This may not necessarily be rude enough to deserve a ban from your room. Asking prying questions or making pointless remarks are examples. Not responding sends out the message that you are not keen for that particular discussion. They will likely just go away. WARN If someone is being annoying and persistent, tell them their behaviour is unacceptable and will see them reported and/or banned if they carry on. This is the best option if someone is making demands without tipping or trying to coerce conversation about something that is against the side’s code of conduct. BAN If a user makes comments that blatantly step over the line of decency, block them from your chat. Remove them completely from your room so they can no longer view you online. All webcam sites should have the function to ban users. If you are not already aware how to do this ask the site Admin team what the process is. This will prepare you going forward so somebody can be removed instantly if needs be. REPORT In extreme cases you should report usernames to site Admins with details of what they user has said or done. Take screenshots of the chat if you can. If the user is in serious breach of the Code of Conduct (and you have evidence) the Admin team should take this seriously. Users found to be in serious breach are terminated. In some cases reported to the authorities or subject to legal action. LEARN TO TAKE IT IN YOUR STRIDE Now you know how to deal with internet trolls, remember that there is a problem with them , not you. I know it’s tough but you have to try not to let their poor behaviour get to you. In all my years of working in this industry I’ve experienced thousands of site members, including a number of trolls. I have banned many users over time, and because of these experiences I have grown a thicker skin. I have learned to rise above their comments and move swiftly onto the next engagement. With experience you will become hardened to this too. You will grow a strong backbone the longer you are in the industry! Never lose site of the fact that for every one loser, there are 100 nice guys there to make your time online rewarding and fun! Keep smiling, keep your head held high, and carry on making money! To become empowered by the the wisdom of our LVE Cam Models, read this article To apply to work with us, head over to LVE Models #camming #cammodel #camgirls #onlinebullying #lvemodels #webcam #webcamming #cammodel #webcammodel #camgirl #internettrolls

  • Protect your Privacy on Cam

    Protect your privacy on cam. Online safety is a top priority for any cam model. The subject of protecting privacy on cam is often a deal breaker for new models coming into the industry, especially if they have significant privacy concerns. INTERNET PIRACY With internet piracy and online hackers relentless this day and age, a cam model can never be certain their content will not get misued. Any Tom, Dick or Harry have the means to take video because they have this technology on their smartphone at home. Add to this, there are bots and trawlers on a constant drive. I shall be completely up front about the fact webcam shows do often get screen recorded. These are sometimes posted elsewhere (I know, because I have been on the receiving end) . Despite DMCA* being in place, there is nothing you or I can do to stop this. Right here, I need to lay out what’s what and manage your expectations. While it is worth mentioning that the more high profile the model on cam, the more likely they will be a target to internet pirates. Despite this, unknown entities can be targeted too, especially is the nature of their shows is X-rated. Now for the good news… There are steps that you as a cam model can take to become savvy, protect your privacy on cam and lessen the risk of unwanted exposure. ONLINE SAFETY TIPS #1 Name Always use a different name on cam and never give out your real name. #2 Location Never give out your exact location. #3 Be social media aware Do not link any social media accounts for your cam model name under any email address or phone number linked to your family and friends. This includes Instagram, TikTok and Facebook. This will avoid your cam model social media bringing up people in your personal contacts as suggested contacts / who to follow. Vice versa this helps avoid your personal contacts easily finding your cam model social media. If you want to avoid identity theft (where your images are reposted under fake profiles), stay off the socials altogether. #4  DMCA* Look for a webcam site that offers a DMCA takedown service for their cam models. This is a service whereby they serve DMCA takedown notices to sites that host copyrighted content which originates from their own watermarked site. #5  DISCLAIMER Put a disclaimer on your cam model profile that states your content is DMCA protected. Mention any unauthorised use of your content being a criminal offence. This will help serve as a deterrent. #6  REGION BLOCKING Join a site that offers a region blocking option. This means you can exclude people in your home county, state or entire country from accessing your profile if you wish to. This option makes it much more difficult for your family and friends network to discover you online. MANAGE YOUR EXPECTATIONS Think about the risk versus reward ratio and how much of a big deal privacy is to you. Camming is not right for you if there are major privacy concerns. “Major” meaning you are anxious to the point your life would be ruined if anyone finds out you work on cam. The internet is the internet. I cannot promise you will never be a target. The risk is far greater with live stream sites than it is on private sites. In turn, far greater is the earning potential on live stream sites versus private sites also. I know cam models who dropped out of the industry on discovering their content was stolen. They struggle to deal with it and the anxiety of it happening again gets to them (completely understandable). DETERMINE YOUR RISK COMFORT LEVEL If the privacy concern is moderate to mild, follow the above steps and you will be well on track. The idea is to lock yourself down to some considerable degree. Always remember there is no 100% guarantee that it still won’t happen, but it will lessen the risk. If there are no significant privacy concerns and like some of the top cam models you take the view that people sharing your content serves as a promotional campaign, then boldly proceed. Whatever your level of comfort and perception where privacy and protection is concerned, please do still adopt the principles of points 1 and 2 in my tips above. NEVER give out your name, personal information or location to anybody you speak to online. This is for your own safety. Now you know what goes on and how to better protect your privacy on cam, go forth and shape your cam model profile. Adjust your online activities according to your preferences and you’ll be fine! *DMCA is The Digital Millenium Copyright Act, governed by the United States Copyright Office. This criminalises the act of stealing copyrighted content . To apply to work with us, head over to LVE Models #camming #cammodel #camgirls #cammodelprotect #protectcopyright #dmca #lvemodels #webcam #protectcontent #protectprivacy #webcamming #adviceforcammodels #cammodel #webcammodel #camgirl

  • The Dangers of Drinking on Cam

    Have you ever thought about the dangers of drinking on cam? Fun it may seem but it’s a risky exercise. Here I explain why. It’s Friday night and you are looking forward to a night at home, making money on cam. For sure you want to let your hair down, it is Friday after all. Tempting to have a little drink while you work? Oh so tempting! Be careful… There is no crime in indulging in a cheeky vino to relax, chat and get naughty online. It is a pleasant way to ease into the mood for the evening ahead and flow into that floaty, sexy vibe. Please take heed: while getting drunk on cam might sound like a bit of a laugh, the dangers of drinking on cam should not be ignored. Here’s a list of reasons why drinking on cam puts you at risk: #1 SUSPENSION FROM NETWORK This is super bad. Being intoxicated is against most webcam sites’ Code of Conduct . First off the risk is suspension, which may lead to complete termination if it becomes a prolific issue. #2 COMPROMISED BOUNDARIES Drunk and slurring cam models are generally not a turn on to site members. Moreover, a wasted model would have comedy value and encourage viewers to hang around for all the wrong reasons. A drunken state on cam is usually subject to ridicule. Guys hang around because they find it amusing, and they don’t tip. Worse still, some hang around for dishonourable reasons. It is far easier for members to coerce intoxicated models into doing and saying things on cam that they would not ordinarily do. These are things they would likely regret later (if they were to remember it). Revealing personal information, doing dirtier than normal shows are prime examples of things intoxicated models do and later regret. #3 TIME WASTING Any sort of business sense goes out of the window when intoxicated. Opportunities to gain profits are missed because the eye is taken off the ball due. Drunk cam models burn time unproductively, lost in idle chit chat with the wrong type of people. Lack of awareness and assertiveness towards making money means people hang around for the laugh and see no need to spend. #4 REPUTATION AND BRAND DAMAGE For cam models carving out their brand identity, they seek to gain credibility and respect from members. They strive to appear professional to other models and the organisation they work for as a whole. A regular drinker on cam is held in a certain nature of regard by others. Rarely is this a positive one. Where there is no professional image drinking proves detrimental to the success mission. MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCES During my time on cam I admit I have occasionally enjoyed a glass of something. It is only occasionally and for a special celebrations like birthdays, be that my own or that of a regular client. This is an enjoyable way to drink on cam whilst being in control and not succumbing to the dangers of drinking on cam. For the majority of sessions, tee-total is the preference. You will see the majority of top cam models sipping water, energy drinks or other soft drinks. This is because they are smart, and they are aware of the dangers of drinking on cam. They do not want alcohol to destroy their reputation or mask their ability to stay on their game and make the mega bucks. Be continually mindful of the dangers of drinking on cam and you will be set up for successful camming. Learn why building your following is so important on cam sites! Read here To apply to work with us, head over to LVE Models #camming #camgirls #lvemodels #webcam #webcamming #cammodel #webcammodel #camgirl

  • Jazzy J: “Cam Makes me More Money than I Ever Imagined”

    “Cam makes me more money than I ever imagined!” is JazzyJ’s motivation in CAM MODEL MENTOR’s first Spotlight interview. This top CamSoda model makes more money than most. If ever there was a camming success story to inspire the masses, it’s that of JazzyJ. The 32-year-old cam star epitomises the image of the exotic dream girl. One who is wrapped in an impressive package of aptitude and professionalism across the board. JazzyJ’s diverse performance skillset combines with her consistency of work ethic, intellect, and conversational competency. Her knack for hooking in big spenders sees her cemented as one of the highest earning models in the industry. The Arizona-based American, who has Thai heritage, moved into the camming arena from the technology industry during 2020’s Covid pandemic. MORE MONEY MOTIVE JazzyJ’s motive to start on webcam was her astute desire to build an income stream outside of tech project management. At the time, job security was shrouded in uncertainty therefore this was a shrewd move. Over the weeks JazzyJ rose rapidly in the popularity and earnings stakes, working with determination and drive. She smashed the glass ceiling of all salary expectations she’d had prior to being a cam model. For the most ambitious of models, there is no ceiling, the income potential is uncapped. Within a matter of months, JazzyJ had proven this by exceeding the limits of her former project manager payscale. Cam makes me money than I ever imagined! In 2020, after only 9 months as a cam girl, I had made three times more money than I had in a whole year as a Project Manager. Since then, my earnings have continued to increase each month and year! During Jazzy’s early beginnings she spent time researching a site, identifying her favourite camgirls. She observed how they managed their chat rooms then took inspiration. This inspiration helped her create her own winning formula and camming persona: "I remember when first starting, I would wish to be as good as certain girls who were my idols. I watched to see how they would control their rooms and interact with the members. Shortly after starting I developed my own style that worked for me. The camgirls I once looked up to, I’ve now surpassed! I feel proud I was able to find my footing to create a chat room and persona that makes me now one of CamSoda’s top girls." SELF-MOTIVATION Despite banking five-figure weekly payouts on CamSoda, JazzyJ is her own tough taskmaster. Disappointed when falling short of the high targets she sets, including weekly and monthly bonus prizes. She says resilience is key and the constant push knowing she’s one of the strongest contenders is her continual self-motivation. "I get upset when I miss my daily tip goal or lose a top earner competition. The fact I feel this way tells me that I have all the ambition to be the best model on the site. I often give myself a reality check and tell myself I’m still one of the top girls. I keep my head up and keep shooting for the moon!" So far this year JazzyJ ‘numero uno’ on CamSoda’s top monthly earner leaderboard for the months of May, June, August and September. Each time with a cash bonus prize of $3000. She has also won ten weekly top earner bonus prizes to the tune of $2000 a piece. JazzyJ’s big money hustle sees her dedicate dozens of hours to her live stream every week in order to tick her financial boxes. Grinding through exhausting 8-10 hour sessions, she is mindful of her need to even this out with a healthy work-life equilibrium. WORK LIFE BALANCE Her chosen profession as a cam model facilitates her joyful spontaneity. JazzyJ is self-confessed, free-spirited travel junkie. The Thai-American beauty enjoys regular long weekends away to embark on exciting road trips with her Husky dog, Grom. Together they love to immerse in natural surroundings. Their favourite spots are wide open spaces such as the bright, breezy Pacific coast beaches and the breathtaking Rocky mountains. JazzyJ with Grom on a road trip vacation In the long term JazzyJ looks forward to an early retirement. Her adventurer spirit craves to soak up many more sights and delights of the USA along with exploring the big wide world. "Thanks to working on cam I’ve paid off credit card bills, paid off my Tesla car and placed a sizable down-payment for a house. I’m my own boss, I work to my own schedule and I’m on a continual quest to make more money and financially independent. I love to travel wherever and whenever I want, and my dream is to retire early and enjoy so many more travel experiences!" MAKING IT PERSONAL Keen to find out what JazzyJ enjoys so much about camming, apart from the obvious money motives; I ask what brings her greatest sense of satisfaction. Her answer is: helping people. She describes this as fulfilling a need for them where they cannot obtain a certain level of enjoyment and attention elsewhere. Taking a keen interest in members and their very personal requirements is the way the smart model raises the bar. Her aim with the big money guys is to build long term relationships, where she can be their friend and confidante. This goes alongside serving as their therapist or anything else they desire her to be. It is Jazzy’s understanding and receptiveness to their needs, along with her ‘practical’ skills as a cam model that keeps her regulars coming back and spending more money. Her trademark show is her ‘squirt marathon’ – need I say more?! Respecting their online Queen in tips is the very least they can do for the quality of the performer’s ‘output’ on cam. "People join cam sites mainly because they are lonely or horny. After being with me, they leave the site more relaxed and happy than they were when they logged on. That means a lot to me, especially since there are many camgirls they can choose from, yet they choose to be in my room." On a deeper level, JazzyJ gets the most satisfaction from members who come to her for conversation. She enjoys indulging them in sexual acts they cannot obtain in their day to day life as this is fulfilling for both parties . She tells how some men are insecure or uncomfortable discussing certain things in person, especially when related to sexual kinks or personal problems. Sometimes there is simply a lack of self confidence to chat with an attractive woman face to face. "If a man is coming to me on CamSoda because he cannot talk with someone in real life, it is flattering and empowering. There are things people have told me in privates that they have not told their own spouses. I often say spending time with me is cheaper and more personal than speaking to a real life therapist!" SUPPORTING EACH OTHER Jazzy appreciates the importance of having cam model friends who understand their challenging industry. Having her own support network is priceless because it helps increase motivation. It is also helpful work through problems, swap experiences and advice with. "I’ve met a few other cam girls that share similar views. It’s great having friends in the industry who share the same frustrations as I do because this makes life more pleasant on cam. I often vent to my friends and most of the time, they share the same experiences. It helps when you don’t feel like you’re on your own. Having cam friends helps you feel sane when you’re having a bad day. I’m friends with some top cam girls and we root for each other because we all want to make more money than we ever imagined!" JAZZYJ’S TOP TIPS : #1 Be yourself, love yourself and know your worth. #2 Stay in control and respect everyone until they disrespect you. If anyone does or says anything you don’t find acceptable, kick them from your room. #3 Stay guarded with members and other cam girls. Don’t give away personal information, you cannot be sure who is trustworthy. #4 Set your own boundaries. This is a tough industry to be successful in if you do things that make you uncomfortable for money. Not everyone has the personality or willingness to do this, so never do anything your uncomfortable with. #5 Create your own identity and stand out as an individual. #6 Watch other camgirls for inspiration, but never imitate. #7 Bad days are inevitable, on these days don’t cam. Feeling sad, in pain, or tired? People can sense that. Just take break and cam when you’re feeling better. #8 Be consistent every week. It is not possible for any cam model to improve and make more money if they are content not reaching their goals. To find out more about JazzyJ and her live shows, visit her here: JazzyJ . Follow her on Instagram . Photo credits: JazzyJ To apply to work with us, head over to LVE Models . #camming #camgirls #jazzyj #lvemodels #adviceforcamgirls #webcam #webcamming #camsoda #cammodelmentoring #cammodel #webcammodel #camgirl

  • Create Content Like a Pro

    You will need to learn how to create content like a pro if your heart is set on becoming a successful cam model . Camming and content creating go hand it hand. Being able to create exceptional content like a pro will enhance your profile as a cam model. It will also open up a residual income stream to make money while you sleep. The success of content creation always hinges on the quality and presentation of the content. WHAT IS CONTENT? Content is digital media in the form of photos, videos and audio files. These files are created to share to followers on social media, cam sites and content creator (‘fans’) pages. Content can be custom made for specific fans who wish to purchase content that is personalised for them. It has other purposes such as generating instant income or for promotional purposes such as fan signs. Content is also useful for sending followers to cam model profiles. Content can be monetised in various different ways depending on which platform hosts the content and which options they offer. Cam models make content of an adult nature. This ranging from lingerie, bikini, topless or implied nude to porn star style X-rated. WHY YOU NEED TO PRODUCE HIGH QUALITY CONTENT All models should create content like a pro. Period. I’ve seen countless content thought my years in the industry. I’ve also created tonnes of content personally. What defines successful content in terms of quality, engagement, popularity and sales, will be laid out here. I have seen high definition content that looks professional selling like hot potatoes on a cold day; versus content that is produced with a low definition appearance or heavily filtered, with zero to few ‘likes’ and not many subscribers. What this tells me, is people are far more likely to invest in high quality content therefore the onus is on models to do their best to deliver the most pleasing results. A winning photo or video does not have to be shot and edited by a professional. You can create top notch content on your own at home. I’m going to share my guide one how to create awesome DIY (do it yourself) sellable material. Before you start, obtain a good standard digital camera or smartphone with high definition (HD) camera. You can pop into any electronics store and ask for some advise. Alternatively, research on the internet for some devices within budget. If using a smartphone the camera needs to provide a clear and sharp image using inverted camera mode. It’ll also need to contain a timer feature. The camera view turns around in this mode. You can see yourself and pose to take images using the timer until you’ve got the shots you’re happy with. ANNABELLE’S DIY CONTENT CREATING GUIDE #1 PERSONAL STYLING Styling should always be on point for making content. Present yourself well. You can master makeup, hair and outfit at home with practice. Watch personal styling tutorials because this is super helpful. You Tube has thousands, just have a look around there for ideas and choose a style you love. With LVE Models I am happy to offer advice based on what best flatters an individual, taking into account what they wish to achieve. It pays to have an eye for the small details like colour coordinating and accessories. Remember : the content will be made available for people to purchase. You therefore have to love the way you look and be confident with content creating. Do a few test snaps before running the full shoot or video to help you judge if the style feels right. #2 PREPARE AREA As with camming, the content shooting area should be clutter-free and well organised. Cast a critical eye over the background and remove anything that looks like it does not belong. The more simple the background better because he subject matter (i.e. the person) should be the focus. #3 PERFECT LIGHTING Appealing content requires excellent and appropriate lighting for the theme. As a general rule this must be bright, clear and focussed. Avoid dark and dull unless the aim is to create black and white images or something in a dark theme. Whatever the theme, conflicting light sources are never advisable. An example is using a lamp to light part of the room, with a window in the background. This floods in full or partial daylight which does not blend well with the artificial lighting. As a result, light looks uneven in the room, casting shadows where not wanted. For this reason I advise using either all natural bright lighting (full daylight), or powerful artificial lighting with curtains closed. The ideal scenario for content creating as well as camming is to front and black light a room. This is because this method throws the light around evenly. It also minimises the risk of shadowing. A powerful floor-standing ring light is perfect for this purpose, something like this Neewer ringlight . If you want to be super pro, get two – one to front light and one to back the room. Neewer Ringlight for camming and content creating #4 Camera Angles Angles always define how in-proportion a person looks in the produced image. The closest part of the body to the camera is always accentuated in size. A camera at eye level is most flattering for head and bust shots. This is because the end result is they appear in normal proportion. A low down angle shooting the body upwards makes the bottom half look big and the head look small. This is not flattering. Tip: Trying out different camera angles with various poses is a useful way to learn about which poses and angles flatter. Have fun with this, it is all part of learning to how to create content like a pro! #5 UNDERSTAND ORIENTATION Know which orientation of the camera is required for which purpose. The two types of camera view are orientation are Landscape and Portrait . Landscape : where the smartphone is laying on its side. This is the best orientation for shooting laying body shots. You see the whole body in the camera view. This orientation is the favourite for shooting videos to upload to cam sites, content pages and sites like You Tube. Portrait : where the smartphone is used upright. This creates the image or video in a vertical rectangle view. This is the ideal format for shooting social media posts, reels and stories. Portrait is the popular choice for creating full body images where the model is standing up, or waist up shots. #6 PERFECT SHOOTING STYLE If the aim is to monetise the content, shoot it like a pro. Mirror selfies may be fine for casual snaps for social media, but they don’t usually sell well. Create professional-looking selfies using a ring light with smartphone holder, like the Neewer one discussed above. If you don’t have a ring light with smartphone holder... Prop the smartphone up a shelf or other surface. Position it in the right orientation and angle. Set the inbuilt timer to 10 seconds to allow time to get into your position or pose. Let your phone shoot you as though you have someone else clicking the button! Use this method to get as many shots or video takes as you like, then pick your ‘money shot!’ Try out different poses and facial expressions because this is how to gain experience! Finding what works best with your persona will help you grow a strong identity as a content creator. Many of the modern HD smartphones these days have a ‘portrait’ function built into the camera. This is certainly the case with iPhones. It is a superb feature which enables the user to take professional quality images with natural or studio lighting, applied at source. Minimal editing required! #7 POV SHOOTING POV is ‘Point Of View’ – a style of shooting very popular in the porn industry. You’ll see tonnes of POV videos on any porn site that offers performer content. POV involves the creator holding the camera for close-ups, showing different angles. They can show their intimate parts and all the action up close for an explicit result for the viewer. POV content is simple to create at home, however these shots should still be high definition to sell. The risk with POV shooting is the outcome appearing poor quality and out of focus. The trick is to keep the hand holding the smartphone still and don’t hold it too close. If it is to close to the subject matter, the camera will constantly be trying to refocus. As a result, movements create video that looks blurred in places. Bear in mind that t he higher quality the smartphone camera, the better the result when shooting POV. POV is best used for specific purpose. X-rated creation is fine, but not all video shooting. An overkill of POV videos can look amateur, which defeats the objective of achieving professional-look content. A combination of professional-looking photos and videos combined with a little made-well POV shows good variation. Shooting POV content is fun to experiment with and helpful for discovering a model’s most flattering angles! #8 DO NOT USE FILTERS I repeat... DO NOT USE FILTERS. This is super unprofessional. The biggest content faux-pas is shooting pics and vids through third party filter apps. Snapchat snaps for example, whilst these may be fun for Snapchat, look terrible on content creator pages. They should not be hosted on webcam sites either, if you want to be taken seriously as a model. Filters with heavy effects do no justice for the creator or the viewer as the definition is always poor. They also present a misleading representation of the model. #9 TAKE YOUR TIME Be patient with content creating and take time to get it right. This will pay its dividends. We live in the era of digital content where it is quick and easy to retake images several times over. Thanks to the digital age we can now view our photo creations instantly. There is no harm in shooting the same pose or video scene five times, even ten or more. This is exactly how the professionals do it and only the best shot gets the upload. Practice makes perfect and the more you shoot, you’ll get to know and love your best angles. With experience, self-shooting feels natural. The emphasis should be on quality, not quantity. Posting one or two exceptional photos or videos for sale will see greater traction than twenty poor quality ones which never get purchased. #10 EDIT LIKE A PRO The icing on the cake of creating content like a pro is editing content like a pro. If you have a high quality HD cam with editing settings, you’re well on your way to create content like a pro. Settings such as exposure, contrast, definition and vibrancy are there for you to tweak. There is nothing to stop you creating images of magazine quality. You can do it! Follow the general rules of bright but not over-exposed, good colour vibrancy and well balanced contrast. High clarity (definition) for the best results. For inspiration, look at any social media pages of content creators who have significant following. You’ll see they all present high quality content. Many will have their content professionally edited. There are however many options for photo and video editing including free tutorials on Google and You Tube. Type into Google search “best free photo editing software” or “best free video editing software.” Tag in your device (iPhone, Android, Mac for example) and you’ll get suggestions of ones you can try. Most apps do free trials. #11 MAKE IT ENGAGING When posting quality content, post with a caption to engage the fans. Keep this relevant and invite interaction. Ask for feedback and take note of how people respond, then respond back. User response indicates whether they enjoy your content. You need to know if they are keen to see more of the same, or if you should tweak things. Always think how you can make your content more pleasing to your fans by listening to what they say. Then view from their perspective. If all you want is ‘likes,’ then post away and don’t worry to caption. BUT – be aware that images without captions don’t tend to gain traction, nor do they offer any hype-building for future posts. Engagement of fans on content, along with the high quality output, is the key to create and sell content like a pro. This gives followers a chance to know the personality behind the content and feel they’re a part of them. When fans feel connected with the person, they are more likely to stick around and keep paying. #12 CHOOSE PLATFORM For content you wish to monetize on mass, you’ll need a creator platform that does everything you want it to do. Think about whether you need it to host your content, bring you potential subscribers, or both. Many of the big creator platforms offer a high end service. The features are excellent and these sites are well-subscribed. On the downside they have very limited ways of sending potential customers (if any at all). Neither do they promote every individual who signs up. This means as a creator you will do all the hard work promoting your page to bring yourself (and the platform) new business. Bear in mind the platform will then take commission for this privilege. Promoting is a constant tedious task after taking so much time create content like a pro. These sites don’t make it easy for their creators to sell the content they host! Unless you have a significant social media presence (I’m talking hundreds of thousands or millions of followers), it is going to be a hard hustle to gain subscribers. Be aware, especially if new to the industry with no following to promote your content page to; a whole bunch of followers are not about to appear from nowhere and subscribe to your page. Some adult webcam platforms have their own in-house content creator pages. This is a no-brainer option if you have no social media presence and want to sell content. The webcam platform facilitates performers to meet potential content subscribers based on the traffic driven to the chat rooms. If the aim is to cam and do content, this setup is the ideal scenario and offers multiple ways to not only drive sales to both areas, but keep members engaged under one roof. Want to create content like a pro and be an empowered, high achieving cam model? Apply to join us here ! #camming #contentcreator #camgirls #model #lvemodels #webcam #webcamming #cammodel #webcammodel #camgirl

  • Bring out Self-Confidence Naturally

    Do a little work on bringing out your self-confidence naturally and you’ll make a strong start as a cam model. Models put pressure on themselves feel confident. This is without realising that with a little groundwork in other areas, the confidence comes out naturally. SELF-CONFIDENCE IN THE CONTEXT OF CAMMING To possess self-confidence is to possess the feeling and the belief that as a cam model, your abilities will serve you well. As a result you will go on to achieve everything you set out to do. Firstly, if you lack the belief you’re confident, please stop putting yourself under pressure to be confident. Every cam model, whatever stage they’re at, has moments where they feel more or less confident than at other times. This is normal and it does not mean any perceived lack of confidence has to define you. Every model has the ability to be a badass and bring out self-confidence on cam. This is because every model has a confident inner-being within them. I truly believe it is just a matter of nurturing the inner confident being by gaining strength in other areas . As a result, this promotes the self-confidence to blossom naturally. This does not have to be a complicated process. There are a few simple areas any model can work on to boost inner confidence as a by product. I am going to share my guidance here, all you need to do is read and think about it: AWARENESS Would it surprise you to know: the primary culprit in a person’s lack of self-confidence is their lack of knowledge? In camming, this means not doing the research to understand the nature of the industry or learn how sites work. In some cases its not fully understanding what a cam model’s role entails and what members expectations will be. Signing up and venturing into the online world with lack of awareness is a not-so blissful ignorance to fall into. It results in overwhelm, reticence and lack of motivation when it comes to the crunch of getting started on cam. Nobody expects new cam models to be proficient and polished at their profession. Members will however have the assumption that all cam models know what they’re in for when appearing on adult sites. So rule No.1, do that all-important research. Feel well informed and empowered to start to to bring out the self-confidence naturally. This is far better than stumbling at the first hurdle due to lack of knowledge, allowing this to defeat you. There are several informative articles on this blog to help increase your awareness and understanding of the industry. Take a good look around here. Alternative blogs, forums and review sites for cam modelling can be found Google. These are other places where other industry professionals and camgirls share their thoughts and experiences. ATTITUDE It is of of great benefit to work on having a super attitude and approaching webcamming in a humble way. Putting out displays of confidence which seem unnatural, forced or come across as arrogant. A positive attitude towards work and the people you meet online will mean they will warm to you. Create the environment where people naturally want to be supportive allows models to radiate and bring out self-confidence naturally. The simple things to work on are the positive personality traits such as being approachable, personable, gracious and open-minded. Feeling liked, popular and appreciated by an army of fans is the greatest self-confidence booster you’ll ever experience! Love yourself! Give yourself a smile in the mirror and tell your reflection how much you appreciate her. Do this because rooting for the female you see helps her feel self-assured that she’s on the right track! SUPPORT Find your support network as a cam model and connect with like-minded models, coaches, mentors and staff. Doing so will bring out self-confidence naturally. Knowing there is help is like having a bunch of pillows to fall back on when the going gets tough. Be sure to find a webcam site that has an excellent internal 24 hour support network. Actively seek forums and social media groups where you can network with camgirls on the same site as you. Look where there is an emphasis on lifting and motivating each other. Being open and receptive along with showing gratitude for support; is the correct attitude to take towards it. At LVE Models we have a community where our models where can communicate and support each other. Sometimes all that’s needed is some friendly reassurance and encouragement keep pushing and being amazing. Having that vote of confidence from other women all rooting for each other can mean the difference between a cam model staying focussed and pressing ahead feeling confident, or dropping away. HEALTH Self-confidence also stems from a person’s general physical and emotional state. Ensure you are well rested and in a good condition of health. This translates to greater self-confidence on cam. Being unwell, hormonal, upset or tired due to poor sleep can result in a nose-dive in energy. As a result, a slump in emotional wellbeing and a general defeatist feeling. The trick is being mindful of how you’re feeling, kind to self and take time off when needed. This is the time you know you cannot give camming the very best of you. Going online and having a poor session due to feeling low, is the way to make confidence hit rock bottom. The risk is the resulting lack of motivation that sees models wallow in a sense of inadequacy. This is unhealthy makes them reluctant to get back online, even at a much later stage. From my personal perspective I’ve found that self-confidence is something that has grown with experience. I am definitely ten times more confident that I was ten and twenty years ago. I have a highly trained eye for spotting confidence issues when observing models, their behaviours and their body language. Being able to share ways to bring out self-confidence naturally, drawing on experience, is why I love what I do. To apply to work with us, head over to LVE Models . #camming #howtobeconfident #camgirls #model #bringoutselfconfidence #lvemodels #webcam #webcamming #adviceforcammodels #cammodel #webcammodel #confidencecoaching #camgirl

  • Engage Your Audience Make More Money

    Engage your audience make more money: top tips by a professional online chat host. WHAT IS ENGAGEMENT? Engagement is the actions that measure and reflect how much your audience interacts with you and your content. You’re having a slow session online and feeling uninspired. Nobody is talking to you. The drag of having a room full of lurkers is drain your energy and you’d rather stick pins in your eyes than sit another five minutes. Sounds familiar? I think all cam models would agree, there are times it feels so dead online that it’s soul destroying. I’ve been there and had to work out ways to push through this in order to change the game. All cam sites have peaks and troughs in traffic flow. There are times of the day, depending on the site and time zone; that models will find more fruitful than others. This is why it is valuable to be able to engage your audience in order to make more money. MEMBER BEHAVIOUR I’m sorry to say that the majority of site members do not automatically tip on entering chat rooms. That is until such a time they’ve found their favourite girl(s), then they become more forthcoming. The masses will observe to get a feel for the model’s vibe and whether she ‘floats their boat.’ Some get how it works and will be interactive, making it easy for the model. The vast majority however need encouragement (or a rocket up their backside to kick them into action). Most of the well-known live streaming sites have thousands of performers online at any one given moment. Thousands! That’s thousands of models for members to choose from. As a result, many are highly competitive. Members will click in and click out of rooms, looking for that one girl who rocks their socks. If there is no interaction in a model’s room, they tend to click out and go to another. Members can also be impatient. Whoever they click on typically has 5 to 10 seconds to make a first impression that’s impacting enough for them to stick around. That is not much time at all. So what to do? CREATE ENGAGEMENT To make good money on any cam site you have to break the ice with members and work on building rapport with them. Give them a taste of what’s in store. Be forthcoming with greet them, give them a reason to join you in conversation. Granted, not all cam models are natural chatterboxes. If you’re shy to talk in detail, create a super sexy vibe with movement, energy and eye contact. This will encourage them to make the first step talking to YOU. I have always been very assertive with people in my chat room. Chatting and making it clear what I expect in terms of their behaviour. This has always worked for me but it does not work for every model, nor is every model comfortable being assertive. Be personable, let the personality shine and give guys a reason to stay! This is how to engage your audience, keep them captive, demonstrate your value and ultimately make more money! ANNABELLE’S CHAT ROOM ENGAGEMENT TIPS #1 GREETING Be enticing and receptive when members enter. Make them feel you’re approachable and happy with them being there. A smile and a pleasant greeting goes a long way. Greet them by username, make them feel welcome immediately. #2 EYE CONTACT They say ‘the eyes are the window to the soul.’ Look into the webcam and give them all the hot eye contact! Looking someone in the eyes is the single most effective way to strike an instant connection. Granted, unless they’re in a cam to cam situation, you can’t see them. Use your imagination to imagine they’re looking right back at you, warming up to you. #3 BODY LANGUAGE Make this open and friendly, sit in a way that flatters and looks attentive. This will make members feel you’re ‘on the ball’ and ready for action. Body language can be highly seductive, so actions like stroking the body, licking the lips, showing off the curves, can drive the members wild. Be mindful not to display slumped, overly relaxed body language as this looks bored and lazy. #4 CHAT Chat as much as you can. Make small talk. Ask how they are, how their day is going, how their weekend was, for example. You can also ask sexy questions such as what they’re into, if they like roleplay, or if they’re kinky. The way to get people talking back is to ask them open questions. This invites them to give detail that you can then feed off to evolve conversation and get to know each other better. #5 ATMOSPHERE Have background music playing but not too loud. This helps create ambience and makes silences feel less awkward. If members are being stubborn and not interacting you can get your groove on to the music. Music is an excellent talking point. Share what music you love and have playlists up your sleeve to make changing music quick and easy. Music should never drown out the voice so be mindful to keep your tunes strictly as background music. This way your audience can always hear what you’re saying. #6 ENERGY Keep the energy flowing with movement. Move around in the camera view, change body position often. Stand up, turn around, shake your butt, flick your hair, show them your toys, wiggle your hips. Any type of movement creates buzz in the room. Can you dance? Are you flexible? If so, show it off! The type of energy you put out will attract the same type of energy back. So keep it sexy, vibing and alluring. If the energy is flat, members assume the model is bored. This discourages them from being interacting and tipping. #7 INCENTIVES Shout out some offers or incentives to engage your audience and make more money. Some examples are discounted rates on private shows, fan club subscriptions or actions they can tip you for. I see models offering ‘flash sales’ on content or private show rates. If you want to offer these, chat about them vocally and make it an enticing sales pitch. Most cam sites have features that enable models to be creative, so take advantage and put something new out every week. #8 GAMES Get imaginative with fun games. You can play card games, set a raffle, do a strip tease, read tarot cards or naughty stories. Any of the above usually encourage people to be interactive and this is also how you gain new followers! #9 HUSTLE & SELL Please do not ever be shy to hustle guys to tip. You’re there to earn money. They are there to enjoy and make your time profitable. Remind them it is polite to show their appreciation in tips. Point them to how they can tip. Talk about the tipping menu or any interactive features and games and explain where they can find these. Top cam models are superb saleswomen and they sell themselves online as their own commodity! Tell your audience how hot your private shows are, tell them what they can do with you. Sometimes members just need to be reminded. Some enjoy models taking the lead and telling them what they should do, as a result they spend their tokens or credits. #10 MAKE A CHANGE If you’re still finding you cannot get the interaction you want, change something. Mix up the time of day or night you go online and meet some new followers. You could also overhaul your personal styling to offer something fresh. How about a new bright lingerie set, a different hairstyle or a fun cosplay outfit, for example. #11 STAND OUT Cam models who work hard to be the best model online will always attract interactive members. These models are so much more alluring to viewers than models who do not put the effort in. Members love to be stimulated in different ways. Keep creating, keep evolving because this is how you engage your audience and make more money! Learning to become a nifty skilled engager is the way to go if you want to make big bucks from camming. It worked for me and won me an army of fans who kept my cam shows lucrative over the years! It will take practice, it will take patience because with anything, the more you chip away the more confident and competent you become. The point where it all clicks into place and the tips start to fly… you’ve hit gold! To apply to work with us, head over to LVE Models #camming #camgirls #model #cammodel #lvemodels #webcam #webcamming #cammodel #webcammodel #camgirl

  • This is SEX WORK, Can You Handle It?

    This is sex work , c an you handle it? Here we explore what the work entails along with the psychological implications before diving in as a webcam model. The world of webcamming is known as the ‘sex industry.’ It is not for everyone so a woman-to-woman talk is needed before you dive in. THIS IS ONLINE SEX WORK. Webcamming is work strictly for over 18’s and is branded as ‘sex work.’ Cam models at all levels of the scale, from porn stars to non-nude chat hosts; are ‘sex workers.’ What forms the basis of this term is the fact that your viewers, are getting a sexual kick out of you. Where there is a monetary transaction, this is work. Adult cam sites are there as a platform for members to get their rocks off to cam models in real time. They are places people can go to voyeur on other people, to happily jerk off without the worry they’ll get arrested for indecent exposure. So… this is the first fact all cam models have to be cool with before venturing in. People will look at you as a sexual object for their gratification. With camming you have the safety of home, behind a camera and the ability to stay in control. From a safety perspective, camming is the most comfortable division of the industry versus face-to-face sex work (escorting). Now for the label: sex worker . It is not my place to say whether ‘sex worker’ is a nice or a not nice label to have. It’s all about how it makes you feel personally. As a time-served cam model I grew a thick skin towards this label. Certainly once I started hitting the mega bucks, it never bothered me. How I managed my own perception is with this mindset: “It’s a day in the office and I’m the boss!” That said, I have always been discrete. I never attended local street parties talking about that specific element of my professional work. People in general can be judgemental as they don’t understand the sex industry. They love to gossip, sometimes this can be quite nasty. To all females joining the industry: make sure you understand the negative stigma that is often attached to cam models. Being a cam model is psychologically a big deal. You will need to be in one of these two mindsets to work happily and successfully: 1# STRONG You’re proud to be a cam model and do not care what anybody else thinks. You have the ability to ignore negative comments other people might make and stay focussed on your cam modelling goals without any sense of shame. #2 ACCEPTING You’re perfectly content with the negative stigmas often attached to being a cam model and mindful of protecting yourself of any damaging affects. You are able to uphold complete discretion and keep the nature of the work you do in a watertight circle of trusted persons only. PSYCHOLOGICAL SCREENING Please read and answer these questions: 1. Do you feel any sense of embarrassment or shame by the label ‘sex worker’? 2. Does the sexual nature of the work make you feel uncomfortable? 3. Does the thought of how site members will view or speak to you, make you feel degraded ? If the answer is yes to any of these questions, camming is not for you and you are best looking into other options of work. It is necessary to do an honest psychological self-screen because for many females considering this industry, especially those with little adulting experience, there can be subjective implications. Often it ends up being a case of ‘suck it and see’ (sorry about the pun). There is nothing at all wrong with trying it out. You can always duck out again if it doesn’t suit you. Before you take the plunge, I’m going to talk about how life is dealing with members on adult webcam sites. This will enable you more insight into what it’s all about and how you will be approached. CAM SITE USERS’ EXPECTATIONS People who visit cam models online are almost always expecting to see shows of a sexual nature. They could be after anything from relatively tame actions like teasing, stripping, dirty talk, shaking the booty and flashing the breasts; but they also might be after hardcore pornographic shows like squirting, anal sex, double penetration, fetish and taboo roleplays. Think how you would personally feel about these nature of requests. Consider whether or not you would be offended and whether or not you could deliver their requests. You do not have to do anything you are not comfortable with! ....Absolutely right! You have the power to say no . However think about whether you would be strong enough to resist any request that does not sit right with you. Can you handle pressure from any member who tries to coerce you into doing something you are not comfortable with? Sometimes cam site members can be persistent. They offer money to bribe models into doing sexual acts they are not comfortable with. Think about how being in this situation would make you feel. If you are sexually awkward or insecure, easily shocked or any body hang–ups, it will be a psychological car crash. If you are think you wouldn’t be comfortable with any such requests, please do forget the idea. I feel upset if any woman feels the very thing she is most self conscious about is exploited. I know of women who have taken things very personally on cam. Scarred from experiences they were not tough enough to deal with. In every case it has led back to their body or sexual hang–ups being exposed, causing embarrassment and insecurity as a result. It does take a certain type of female to be truly content as a cam model. The work is absolutely not for everyone. CAREFUL CONSIDERATION We here at LVE Models get dozens of enquiries every week. Every time a female with no experience calls about working on cam, we give the honest low down. We then send her away to have a think about the information we’ve provided, recommend she does her own research and takes time to understand the sex work industry. The individuals who come to say they’ve had a look around and decided the industry is not for them, we respect that and wish them the best of luck finding a more suitable option. To be content in sex work, all cam models have to agree they will be doing sexual activity. They must understand they should also stick to their own comfort levels. Another important quality is being strong enough not to allow any weird or extreme requests grind them down. Not to let members force them to violate their own boundaries. Above all, they have to genuinely enjoy it. Being naturally open and expressive sexually, wild and uninhibited, will definitely put you at a massive advantage in the industry. Most of the cam models at the top of their game are exhibitionists, free and fulfilled in their work entertaining the masses sexually. They get a buzz that they are doing this for money. With LVE Models we saw a need to facilitate a support service to help models further understand the sex industry. We also help them stay regulated with the psychological implications of sex work. For even the happiest, most successful of models, ups and downs come with the territory. The majority find the high income rewards outweigh any of the negative connotations. Ultimately it’s all about personal perception and the individual’s ability to take it in their stride. The key to contentment in this industry is managing your own expectations along with setting your own boundaries. I know many women who absolutely adore their work as cam models. They find sex work along with its fun and flexibility benefits flow in harmony with their lifestyle. To apply to work with us, head over to LVE Models . #camming #camgirls #model #lvemodels #webcam #webcamming #sexwork #adviceforcammodels #cammodelmentoring #cammodel #webcammodel #camgirl

  • What to Wear on Cam

    Are you stuck for what to wear on cam? Here are my guidelines to help you carve out your personal style. Understand the importance of choosing the right things to wear on cam. Appeal to the crowd you wish to attract. LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE You will always attract the people who are in harmony with your style and vibe, so bear this in mind when deciding what to wear on cam. Dress to draw in the type of followers you desire. It sounds very straightforward in theory, and it is. Quite simply, like attracts like: so understand there are various populations floating around on cam sites. Understanding your market will help you attract the type of visitors you want. All webcam sites have members at opposite ends of the scale in terms of spending budget, and all sorts in-between. As a general rule, if you wish to appeal to the classy higher-networth members, think high end when deciding what to wear on cam. Dress in an exquisite way they find appealing. Similarly if you want to attract to the younger crowd such as the gamer guys; style in a casual way that fits with their vibe. Models who just slip into ‘whatever ,’ to wear on cam, find they attract the wrong crowd. WHY IS DRESS STYLING IS IMPORTANT? Choosing your personal dress style is the first step to carving out your identity and knowing who you are as a cam model. While your style needs to be one you are comfortable with, it also needs to be one that you are happy to be judged on. First impressions are everything because the outfit is the first thing members see on entering a model’s chat room. They will judge upon the outfit along with the model’s physical appearance (looks, hair, skin colour, body shape and size, for example). If they like what they see on first glance, they will stick around to find out more. Do you already know how you wish to dress? Yes? Great! Have you already identified the calibre of members you wish to attract? Yes? Super! You’re halfway there. Now, have a think about what you feel beautiful in whilst rocking that style. Consider which colours and cuts complement your figure and skin tone. Bear in mind that bright colours are eye-catching and make women feel vibrant, while black is always flattering. Choosing garments that fit well and highlight your favourite body parts will unleash the inner body confidence far moreso than anything that is a poor fit or baggy. These things just won't help you feel sexy. If you are a unsure about which type of guys you want to hook, follow my guidelines. HOW TO APPEAL TO THE MATURE AND BUSINESS CLIENTELE These members are usually the affluent spenders and can afford to be picky who they spend their money on. Choose from the following outfits: Bodysuits, basques and baby-dolls, gorgeous matching bra and panty sets with suspenders and stockings. Also look at bikinis in luxurious colours like deep purple, red and gold; along with classy bodycon and cocktail dresses. Sexy stiletto heels with holdup stockings drive these guys wild! For this category of clientele, their ideal cam models are high-end females. Be their Goddess because they love to spoil with tips, gifts and lingerie. Discrete gentlemen looking for GFE (girl friend experience) or a high class mistress will choose cam models who style with divine appeal. HOW TO APPEAL TO THE YOUNGER AND GAMING CROWD These guys like to feel they can relate to cam models on a similar level. To show these guys you’re approachable, choose bodystockings, hotpants or denim sorts, crop tops, bikinis, miniskirts and tight vest tops because these outfits will lure this crowd. Their ideal camgirls are babes they can hang with, build friendships, talk about gaming and get lit with. They will visit often and be the resident fan club of their favourite girls! HOW TO APPEAL TO THE ALTERNATIVE GUYS If you’re a rock, alternative or emo chick with her own style, you’ll absolutely pull in these type of guys. Outfits in dark colours, leathers, PVC, bodystockings, corsets, hot pants, fishnets, studs are killer looks to get these guys hooked. These members view rock ‘n’ roll style cam models as relatable hotties. They can engage with these girls on a level, have much in common with including music and hobbies. They convert to loyal supporters if you keep rocking their world! EXPERIMENT WITH FABRICS AND TEXTURES Part of the joy of being a cam model is being imaginative, having fun trying out fabrics and textures. We are spoiled for choice with gorgeous garments available to purchase in a variety of sexy fabrics. Lace, satin, chiffon, cotton, spandex and velvet are all eye-catching textures. Providing cut right and made well, they’re also are comfortable to wear. Try on different textures to see what feels and looks sexy. Depending on your vibe you may wish to feel flirty, kinky or sensual. Use of the right fabric can help with this. The stiffer, plastic-type fabrics famously used for the kinky sessions (PVC and latex for example) are fun. Most women however find these get sweaty and uncomfortable if wearing for long periods of time. If you want to rock the alternative and kinky shows wearing these garments, advertise it a special show or feature. PVC catsuit or latex mini dress make a hot outfit on request for an additional tip. THINGS TO AVOID Avoid wearing anything restrictive for a long period of time because clothes that are tight, or a poor fit can feel awkward. Awkwardness can make the wearer look and feel self-conscious. If a model looks like she feels uncomfortable, members will pick up on this and feel awkward too. Also, I do not advise wearing mismatched lingerie sets, for example, bra and knickers that do not match. When camgirls do this, it looks like they have grabbed something laying on their bedroom floor and thrown it on. This shows lack of care and attention and does not do the model any justice at all. Be mindful to match pieces up so they work in harmony with each other, rather than clashing. Think very carefully about what to wear on cam. Dress to impress and stand out from the rest! BUDGET Every cam model has their own budget and new models often need to start with inexpensive pieces. Choose stylish budget garmets until the money starts rolling in and you can afford to upgrade. If you’re just starting out, you can get some very reasonable and sexy outfits for under £25 on Amazon . Click my link just there under search term ‘lingerie.’ All the brands popular with camgirls run sales including end of season and Black Friday deals. This includes some of the higher end brands. Check out brands like Victoria’s Secret, Ann Summers and Honey Birdette for some super sales. If you are camming on a site which offers a ‘wish list’ option, make use of this. Enable you regulars to purchase gift cards for your favourite brands as well as items on an Amazon wish list. This is a superb way to build your collection of camming outfits at no cost to yourself! What you wear on cam will shape your reputation and brand, so choose your style wisely! To apply to work with us, head over to LVE Models #camming #camgirls #model #lvemodels #webcam #webcamming #cammodel #webcammodel #camgirl

  • Manage Distractions Make More Money

    Keen to learn how to manage distractions and make more money on cam? Here’s how… I often notice major spoiler issues overlooked in online chat rooms, even by experienced cam models. My top five distractions listed below are common stumbling blocks to successful camming. These typically translate to wasted time and missed earning opportunities. #1 MOBILE PHONE The number one culprit! Either leave it alone, or put it out of reach to avoid the temptation of surfing and scrolling. When members look in chat rooms and see models looking down at their phones they assume the model is bored. Cam models who sit or lay using their phones often find they have no interaction, then wonder why they can’t make money! Members gravitate to chat rooms that appear busy with models paying attention to their audience. Keeping an eye out for potential spenders and working immediately to engage them shows interest. They are more likely to spend, thus the model is able capitalise. #2 PETS Keep pets out of the room as this is distracting for the model and off-putting to viewers. When members are keen to get sexy, they don’t want to see a dog or cat jumping all over the model’s bed. If a cam model is petting their animal, this sends out the wrong signals. It sets the impression that the model is giving their pet all the attention and not ready for sexual activity. Make sure your pet is well fed and exercised before shutting them out of the room. This means they are not distracting you and crushing your ability to make money. #3. OTHER PERSONS Only work online when you know you have the time booked out where there are not going to be other people in the property disturbing you. This includes children if you are a camming mother. If camming after kids have gone to bed make sure there is a lock on the inside of the door. This is to prevent the risk of them bursting into the room whilst their mother is in a sexual predicament. This safeguards children from seeing things they should not see and safeguards the cammer from issues within the Codes of Conduct in respect of minors (which are strictly banned from appearing or being heard on webcam sites). If your child wakes up, immediately switch off your connection to the site. Call to them and let them know you’re coming. Quickly make yourself decent, hide sex toys and go be mum/mom. #4 DOOR KNOCKS While this may be annoying whilst on cam, nobody can prevent unexpected knocks on the door. If you know you have a delivery due on a day you’re on cam, ensure you’ve planned for their arrival. Be organised leaving safeplace instructions if possible. If you have a time slot for a delivery it is best to be offline during this time. The last thing you want is to be in the middle of a private show and someone is banging on the door something to be signed for. Not only does this disrupt the show, it is irritating for the member who is paying for the show #5 OTHERS ONLINE In an ideal world all cam models would be camming with exclusive dibs over their internet connection. Where others are in the property using the internet for activities such as gaming or any other form of live streaming, this can crush the bandwidth. This often causes the connection on the cam model’s part to lag and freeze, thus throwing a spanner in the works of making money. Everyone’s personal situation at home differs so it is important to be aware of this factor. Find a work-around solution found to prevent any disruptions to you working on cam. If you live in a shared property, try and obtain the fastest possible connection. Sometimes it’s necessary to upgrade to gain the greatest amount of bandwidth and the highest possible upload speed. In cases where upload speed is low, work your sessions around when other members of the household are out, or sleeping. You may need to agree a compromise. Read my article about minimum connection requirements here . #6 UNFORSEEN DISTRACTIONS From time to time, unforseen distracting or disturbing factors are bound to crop up that you cannot control. These could be situations causing significant bearing on your concentration or thwarting your ability to work on cam entirely. Excessive noise factors such as neighbours banging around doing DIY or workmen digging up the road are typical annoyances. In these cases it is best to wait until they are finished before jumping online. This risk of logging on and ending up frustrated will be noticable by anybody you are visible to online. Members always feed off cam models’ energy so if there is anything distracting going on, they sense when the model is irritated or fed up. They will feel the same too! Ultimately every distraction has a solution so the key is to be mindful at all times. Be aware of how certain factors affect performance and profitability, and prepared to make adaptations when necessary. This awareness helps improve online consciousness for the model. The aim is to create a professional environment in which they can manage any distractions and make more money on cam. To apply to work with us, head over to LVE Models . #camming #cammodel #camgirls #model #camgirlcoaching #howtomakemoney #lvemodels #motivation #webcam #webcamming #makemoney #cammodelmentoring #cammodel #webcammodel #camgirl

  • The Ideal Camming Tech Setup

    The ideal camming tech setup is the first priority for any cam model joining an adult streaming site. Here I break down my recommendations of what you’ll need to invest in order to start your journey as a professional cam model. CONNECTION First and foremost, you will require a robust high speed internet connection to work smoothly on any cam site. This is especially the case in respect of the live streaming sites. In cases where there are multiple internet users in the property, the upload speed and bandwidth need to be more than enough to cover yourself and any other occupants in the property who use the internet and may all be using it simultaneously. Internet bandwidth determines how much data can be uploaded or downloaded from a device and internet speed determines how fast data can be uploaded or downloaded on a device. Fibre optic broadband is the ideal nature of connection because it typically produces high upload speeds. To check how fast your connection is at present, run a speed test by going to Google search. Type ‘speed test,’ click the button ‘run speed test.’ Let Google run the speed test and make a note of the upload speed in Mbps (Megabits per second). Most live stream sites will be able to present a consistent connection in high definition if you have around 9/10Mbps. For private sites (non live stream) presenting cams in lower definition, lower speeds of 4-6Mbps are often enough. Check with the cam site what their minimum upload speed requirement is. If your upload speed is below their minimum, you will need to contact your internet provider. Ask if they can upgrade your package or switch to another provider who offers better speeds. Insufficient upload speed or lack of bandwidth will cause lagging and freezing and or even complete disconnection of the stream. Site members can get frustrated if they’re paying for a show and it keeps freezing or cutting out. It usually deters them from spending money so getting the connection right is the number one priority. Once you have a good connection, it is good practice to run a speed test prior to each cam session. Check there are no network issues. If you see the upload speed is falling short or pitching, you may run into issues. Be prepared to speak to the service provider or get some troubleshooting advice from the cam site’s technical team. EQUIPMENT Once you know you are able to work with adequate connection, the next step is to obtain the equipment. The ideal setup is a good quality laptop/desktop computer and plug-in HD cam. You’ll also need an ethernet cable to hardwire directly into the router, professional lighting and microphone. Most sites have in-house tech teams that are happy to advise on which specific brands of equipment they recommend. They will take into account what a model’s specific budget is when making suggestions. I will also provide my own as I walk through each piece of equipment below. LAPTOP Obtain a good quality laptop or desktop computer with a fast processor and ideally less than three years old. You can look at reconditioned laptops if funds are tight. Google search “best laptop for streaming” and check out some recommendations and prices for refurbished models. A realistic budget for a starter laptop with a powerful enough processor is £400/$500, or £200/$300 for a factory refurbished one. Reputable brands you can look at are HP, Asus and Lenovo. If you have a sizable budget to start with, look at laptops designed specifically for streaming and gaming. These machines are usually upwards of £1000 and have highly efficient processors to deliver the webcam upload at lightening speed. I do not recommend trying to stream using a mobile phone if you want to appear professional. Mobile streams look grainy, are displayed in the wrong orientation and the connection tends to be inconsistent. WEBCAM You can purchase a HD cam for well under £100. I personally recommend the Logitech cams, they C920 HD is a good quality reasonable budget webcam for cam models. Having a quality HD cam is always instrumental to the success of the model. If the presented view is poor, people are less inclined to spend money what they perceive to be a low quality chat room. LIGHTING To stream like a Queen, studio quality lighting is essential. A floor-standing ring light is perfect, positioned where light is thrown all around the room. In very dark or large rooms it may be necessary to ‘backlight’ the room with an additional ring light pointed towards the back wall of the room. Although it is tempting to keep the lights low, dim lighting is not actually flattering. This is because shadows are cast around the face and neck and imperfections are highlighted. The camera view presented looks low quality. The brighter and more even the lighting in the room, the higher the definition the model and her surroundings looks. Brighter lighting also brings out better colour contrast which is more pleasing on the eyes from a viewer perspective. Annabelle The ideal righlight to use is a high-powered floor-standing one like this one by Neewer . We have many models using this ring light and find it excellent. It comes with a warm filter option and is easy to adjust in terms of its height and position. The added bonus is it has a smartphone holder for making self-styled content. Some cam models like to add fancy decorative lighting to their rooms, for example neon strip tubes or fairy lights. If done tastefully these can look fantastic, however overkill is not necessary and they are not essential, it’s just a nice little extra touch if desired. Check out Amazon for the fancy lighting, there are some ideas here . AUDIO In addition to spectacular lighting, the ideal camming tech setup includes crystal clear audio. This element puts the icing on the cake for any pro cammer who wants to rock the world of their audience by showcasing their voice. Plug-in microphones are far more efficient at delivering quality sound than in-build mics on laptops and webcams. They really enhance the experience for the recipients. Although not essential for getting started, I advise using a plug-in mic. This can be obtained at a later stage once the sexy cash is rolling in. When online, do a sound check to make sure viewers can hear. Ask for feedback on how you sound and be prepared to make adjustments. Check out the review sites to compare some of the best microphones for live chat for your budget (you can also search for ‘podcasting’ mics). One brand I have always loved is Yeti, and I continue to use a Yeti Blue for all my audio content creating. For me, it’s the best option. ETHERNET CABLE Hardwire the laptop directly into the broadband router using an ethernet cable. This helps to ensure continuity of stream presentation, bypassing any dips in Wifi that cause lag and freeze issues. Ethernet cables are obtainable online or from any computer hardware store, category 6 is fine for ADSL/fibre connections and category 7 for gigabit (fibre) connections. Plug the ethernet cable into a working USB port on your machine. Use with a USB adapter if there are not enough ports on the machine for the ethernet cable, webcam and microphone if you have one. Test the hardwired ethernet connection by running a speed test, first ensuring you have switched off the WiFi in the WiFi settings on the laptop so it does not conflict with the ethernet connection. CAMMING TABLE To complete your ideal camming tech setup you will need a hard surface table, desk, bench or other suitable sturdy stand for the laptop, with the webcam placed directly on top if the machine. The laptop stand will need to be large and strong enough to carry the machine and any additional microphone; situated in a spot you can easily reach to type whilst looking directly into the camera. Something wooden, such as MDF or hard plastic such as acrylic is fine. These materials do not usually overheat. Never place the laptop on a soft fabric surface such as a bed or covered chair seat, as this causes the laptop to get very hot. Overheating a laptop diminishes its lifespan! Congratulations! You are now armed with the knowledge of the basics you’ll need in order to present the ideal camming tech setup and stream as a professional cam model! Want to know how to be the best you on cam? Read here ! To apply to work with us, head over to LVE Models . #camming #cammodeladvice #camgirls #model #cammodelequipment #lvemodels #webcam #webcamming #adviceforcammodels #cammodel #webcammodel #camgirl

  • Secrets of Self-Motivation

    What are the secrets of self-motivation? We all have days where we’re ‘not feeling it,’ but persistent lack of self-motivation means lack of success. Here’s how to tackle this problem. WHAT IS SELF-MOTIVATION? It is the ability to fulfil a motive. It is the drive to do something based on the benefits it will bring. Self-motivation is telling yourself, “no matter how I feel, I have a mission and I am going to do it anyway!” In order for self-discipline to be motivational and engineer the desired results, it must be supported by regular reminders. These reminders are reasons why you must do it anyway. Getting ready and logging online sounds like an easy thing to do. In principle it is, however one of the biggest barriers to success is where lack of self-motivation results in not showing up. During my time in the industry I have discovered many factors that cause this problem and unravelled the secrets of self-motivation. This awareness has led me to identify ways to help de-motivated individuals. Making sense of how they feel and understanding why they’re stumbling is the first step. I have mastered techniques designed to renew the sense of self-motivation. If done correctly and with care, these empower individuals to march strongly onward and reach their goals. First I want to talk about some of the common causes of lack of self-motivation in cam models. WHAT CAUSES LACK OF SELF-MOTIVATION? Lack of self-motivation is a negative and unproductive state to be in. It often stems from self-limiting thoughts or beliefs. These are thoughts and beliefs lacking the positivity and confidence required for a person to achieve. Thoughts and beliefs starting with “I can’t,” “I’m not,” “I won’t” for example, are prime culprits. Where there is lack of willing or faith fuelled by negative thoughts; individuals will often opt out (elective failure). There can be a whole catalogue of factors that trigger self-limiting thoughts and beliefs. Physical, psychological and emotional barriers are the main sources. For example, there might be inconsistent moods due to hormonal ups and downs, personal or relationship problems. There could be tiredness of feeling physically out of sorts. Underlying mental welfare issue such as anxiety or low self esteem are common denominators. There could have been a few poor sessions on cam, or a bad experience with online trolling. We are all human beings and it’s normal to have ‘off’ days. We should never feel bad for taking time out when we need to rest. Self care is crucial, but staying focussed on our goals is one of the greatest assets to self-motivation. TAKE ACTION While mindful of creating a healthy work/life balance, money moves can only happen if the effort is put in. Hold this thought at the forefront if success is desired and know you have the power to push through the difficult times. This is essential to growth. Often this simply involves giving ourselves a shake, dressing up and showing up. Be that badass cam model queen who achieves her goals no matter what! I believe it is important to have a support network and/or a mentor when camming because sometimes all that’s needed is a little friendly support or encouragement. Take inspiration from those who know how to push through the tough times. These are the models you see grinding out their sessions online, making bank week after week. THE SHOW MUST GO ON If I lost £1 for every time I felt like flaking out, even with a fleeting thought … Damn! I would not have reached my goals thus far. I would not be in the comfortable position I am in today, with financial flexibility, enjoying the optimum work-life balance I have worked so hard over the years to achieve.  That symbol of £1 lost for every time is in reality worth a far greater loss because every working day on cam had far greater value than £1 to me. It would translate to thousands of pounds of lost income if every off day was a day I chose flake out of working on my income goals. There are numerous times I have worked on cam with PMT. Other times I have worked feeling low after bad news. Endless occasions I have worked on cam with sleep deprivation, or shaking off illness; but the show goes on. Nothing would hold me back from getting my hours in, unless I was genuinely too sick to work, or my child was sick. My secrets of self-motivation encompass an unfaltering determination to be successful. Never being satisfied with not hitting my income goals. Understanding that my success is entirely dependent on my commitment and consistency. Knowing these are things I have always had complete control of, has been immensely empowering over the years. DO IT ANYWAY! ... The show must go on ! DO IT ANYWAY is a a Boss mindset. Filled with purpose, determination, resilience and prosperity! DO IT ANYWAY sees me smile and give myself a pat on the back! It is a sense of pride and accomplishment on completion of goals! DO IT ANYWAY continually asserts me as a professional and a role model! DO IT ANYWAY is uplifting, empowering and feels incredible! Follow these secrets of self-motivation for prosperous results ! 1. RELAX TO PREPARE Take 30-60 minutes for relaxation and rejuvenation of the body and mind. I recommend a walk in a natural setting or an energising exercise session. Go for a massage, do meditation or listen to music or motivational podcasts. These are superb ways to unwind. This is because they open the positive mindset channels in preparation for successful working. 2. SET MOTIVES AND GOALS Spend five minutes visualising all of the things you want to achieve (goals) and necessities you need to cover (costs of living etc) as a result of working on cam. Do this because these are your key motives to work and you should remind yourself of them continually. Without goals, there is no ambition and as a result, no purpose to work. Set some if you have not already, add quantifiable measures along with timescales. I share more about how to do this in a few moments as you read on. Goals and motives are one of the primary secrets of self-motivation as without these, there is not much point in doing anything… at all. 3. FAILURE NO OPTION Nobody likes the word failure . Consider the things you would miss out on if you were to self-defeat and not do those cam sessions you had thought about doing. Giving in to self-defeat is elective failure - failing at something you have not even given yourself the chance to achieve. Think about details, pictures and emotions along with what the loss represents in monetary terms because this serves as a kick up the butt to get going. Not being able to afford that holiday with the girls next summer, having that loan forever hanging over your head, not being able to get that new car… These such thoughts make me sad and more determined not to let this happen! Do you see how focussing on doing anything but failing is such a powerful secret to self-motivation? Come on, you got this! 4. FOCUS ON SATISFACTION Along with the financial losses that occur with elective failure, the subsequent regret is not a nice feeling to experience. This is often the culprit for the forming of negative, self-defeatist habits. From this point, it is a downward spiral that nobody needs and as it leads to continual lack of motivation as the default setting. What you need to do is flip it and focus on the opposite feeling – satisfaction . You will encourage a positive sense of self-worth by lingering on on the satisfaction you will experience on the completion of your mission. Focus on how satisfying the achievement of your success will feel, and how proud of yourself you will become! Hold that thought and become emotionally involved with that feeling! You are doing a fab job of self-motivating yourself! 5. CLARIFY & REASSERT MOTIVES You have your goals and motives… Clarification and reassertion of these will continue to set the intention of the purpose and the positives therein you will gain. Whilst getting ready to go online, think exciting empowering thoughts about your goals which reinforce why you need to dress up, show up and get the job done in order to reach those goals. This constant reminder makes your camming mission 100 times more meaningful and helps with setting a schedule in order to fulfil the required hours online. Your purpose is the choice you make to see it through with a strong motive which leads to the end gain. Clarify and reassert the purpose by way of affirmative mission statements in order to self-program and place yourself firmly in that driving seat. 6. CREATE MISSION STATEMENTS Set out exactly what you want to achieve in specific, quantifiable measure. Include these five elements: TASK: i.e. webcamming. PURPOSE: why you’re doing it along with the target earnings you require. TIME: number of hours you are going to persist for. OBJECTIVE: the ultimate goal that needs to be met. EMOTION: the pleasant outcome in terms of the feelings that completion of the mission will bring. Form a strong, affirmative, motivational mission statement including the above elements. Make this affirmative (affirmative = “I will”) and filled with enthusiasm, as a result this elevates the positivity and unleashes this powerful secret of self-motivation. Here are two examples to guide you. “Today I will work on cam and make the money I need for my holiday (PURPOSE). I shall persist online until I have reached my target earnings, this will be for a minimum of 5 hours (TIME) in order to pay the sum of £xxxx I need for the flights (OBJECTIVE). Knowing I can book my flights thanks to my work ethic, will make me feel on top of the world!” (EMOTION). “This day is devoted to working on cam (TASK) and I do this as I am a professional (PURPOSE). I will work for 8 hours (TIME) and make £xxxx to pay off the rest of my loan (OBJECTIVE). Finally I shall be debt free and celebrate this weekend! This is the greatest sense of freedom and happiness I have ever experienced!” (EMOTION). Can you feel the enthusiasm in these mission statements? They’re specific, quantifiable, with a positive emotional attachment. Do you know understand why mission statements are one of my secrets of self-motivation? You do? Now go ahead and have fun creating your own, clearly define your goal(s) and write it/write them down! 7. REPETITION … Now REPEAT your mission statement ten times. The act of repetition is one of my favourite secrets of self-motivation. It is a key part of mindset programming because not only does this make create a prolific thought in the conscious mind, it also helps that thought become ingrained into the subconscious mind. Our conscious mind is the mental compartment for thoughts we can control. We can choose what we think about by switching and replacing one dominant through with another. That elusive subconscious mind is the trickier part of the mind to convince. It is the part of the mind that controls the feelings, actions and behaviours of an individual, i.e. the subconscious habits. Thoughts provoked by subconscious habits are difficult to control because the average person does not know how to control or change them. Most people are not even aware that it is possible to do so. It takes specific training. Make daily self-motivation with mission statements and repetition a positive habit. You will be on your way to striking gold, armed with effective self-motivation techniques! I am rooting for you and all the unlimited potential you have as a self-motivated, goal-orientated cam model! LASTLY... DO WHAT’S RIGHT FOR YOU I have only scratched the surface of this immersive topic here. There are layers of issues that cause lack of motivation because this can be a complex issue in many individuals, especially where there are neurodiversity or mental health factors. Where there is a persistent lack of self-motivation which results in the inability to commit on a frequent basis, (with or without low moods) one must think carefully about whether camming is the right avenue. I am a great believer of if something doesn’t feel right or there are too many off days, this particular avenue of work is just not suited to the individual. To apply to work with us, head over to LVE Models . #camming #cammodel #selfmotivation #camgirls #model #cammodelcoaching #lvemodels #motivation #howtobeacamgirl #guidance #webcam #webcamming #adviceforcammodels #cammodelmentoring #cammodel #webcammodel #camgirl

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